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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | systema skeletale Short Extended |
Current level | ossa cranii Short |
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Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
402 | tax |
ossa cranii
bones of cranium
9613 | 403 | tax |
os parietale (par) P3 56 children
parietal bone (pair)
52791 | 404 | tax |
facies interna ossis parietalis (par)
internal surface of parietal bone (pair)
57100 | 405 | tax |
sulcus sinus sigmoidei (par)
sulcus of sigmoid sinus (pair)
57108 | 406 | tax |
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris (par)
sulcus of superior sagittal sinus (pair)
57111 | 407 | tax |
sulcus arteriae meningeae mediae (par)
sulcus of middle meningeal artery (pair)
57114 | 408 | tax |
sulci rami arteriae meningeae mediae (par)
sulci of branch of middle meningeal artery (pair)
52792 | 409 | tax |
facies externa ossis parietalis (par)
external surface of parietal bone (pair)
57424 | 410 | tax |
linea temporalis superior (par)
superior temporal line (pair)
57427 | 411 | tax |
linea temporalis inferior (par)
inferior temporal line (pair)
57080 | 412 | tax |
tuber parietale (par) ; eminentia parietalis (par)
parietal tuber (pair) ; parietal eminence (pair)
53093 | 413 | tax |
margo occipitalis ossis parietalis (par)
occipital border of parietal bone (pair)
53094 | 414 | tax |
margo squamosus ossis parietalis (par)
squamous border of parietal bone (pair)
53095 | 415 | tax |
margo sagittalis ossis parietalis (par)
sagittal border of parietal bone (pair)
53096 | 416 | tax |
margo frontalis ossis parietalis (par)
frontal border of parietal bone (pair)
57430 | 417 | tax |
angulus frontalis ossis parietalis (par)
frontal angle of parietal bone (pair)
57433 | 418 | tax |
angulus occipitalis ossis parietalis (par)
occipital angle of parietal bone (pair)
57436 | 419 | tax |
angulus sphenoidalis ossis parietalis (par)
sphenoidal angle of parietal bone (pair)
57439 | 420 | tax |
angulus mastoideus ossis parietalis (par)
mastoid angle of parietal bone (pair)
53145 | 421 | tax |
foramen parietale (par)
parietal foramen (pair)
52734 | 422 | tax |
os frontale P3 70 children
frontal bone
52848 | 423 | tax |
squama frontalis
squamous part of frontal bone
52855 | 424 | tax |
facies externa ossis frontalis
external surface of frontal bone
53097 | 429 | tax |
margo supraorbitalis ossis frontalis (par)
supraorbital margin of frontal bone (pair)
57390 | 430 | tax |
incisura supraorbitalis (par)
supraorbital notch (pair)
431 | tax |
incisura frontalis (par)
frontal notch (pair)
57412 | 17017 | tax |
foramen supraorbitale (par)
supraorbital foramen (pair)
57409 | 17018 | tax |
(foramen frontale (par) )
(frontal foramen (pair) )
52852 | 425 | tax |
tuber frontale (par) ; eminentia frontalis (par)
frontal tuber (pair) ; frontal eminence (pair)
52850 | 426 | tax |
arcus superciliaris (par)
superciliary arch (pair)
52851 | 427 | tax |
52989 | 428 | tax |
(sutura frontalis persistens; sutura metopica )
(frontal suture ; metopic suture )
57133 | 432 | tax |
facies temporalis ossis frontalis (par)
temporal surface of frontal bone (pair)
53098 | 433 | tax |
margo parietalis ossis frontalis (par)
parietal border of frontal bone (pair)
75040 | 434 | tax |
linea temporalis ossis frontalis (par)
temporal line of frontal bone (pair)
54389 | 435 | tax |
processus zygomaticus ossis frontalis (par)
zygomatic process of frontal bone (pair)
52856 | 436 | tax |
facies interna ossis frontalis
internal surface of frontal bone
57120 | 438 | tax |
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris
groove of superior sagittal sinus
57415 | 437 | tax |
crista frontalis
frontal crest
57443 | 439 | tax |
foramen caecum
foramen caecum ▲
52853 | 440 | tax |
pars nasalis ossis frontalis
nasal part of frontal bone
57420 | 441 | tax |
spina nasalis
nasal spine
57422 | 442 | tax |
margo nasalis
nasal border
52849 | 443 | tax |
pars orbitalis ossis frontalis (par) ; lamina orbitalis ossis frontalis (par)
orbital part of frontal bone (pair) ; orbital plate of frontal bone (pair)
57131 | 444 | tax |
facies orbitalis ossis frontalis (par)
orbital surface of frontal bone (pair)
57399 | 446 | tax |
fovea trochlearis (par)
trochlear fovea (pair)
57396 | 447 | tax |
fossa glandulae lacrimalis (par)
fossa of lacrimal gland (pair) ; lacrimal fossa (pair)
75742 | 445 | tax |
(spina trochlearis (par) )
(trochlear spine (pair) )
53099 | 448 | tax |
margo sphenoidalis ossis frontalis (par)
sphenoidal border of frontal bone (pair)
57388 | 449 | tax |
incisura ethmoidalis
ethmoidal notch
57417 | 450 | tax |
sinus frontalis (par)
frontal sinus (pair)
57402 | 451 | tax |
apertura sinus frontalis (par)
opening of frontal sinus (pair)
57423 | 452 | tax |
septum intersinuale frontale; septum sinuum frontalium
septum of frontal sinus
52735 | 453 | tax |
os occipitale P3 74 children
occipital bone
75306 | 454 | tax |
foramen magnum
foramen magnum
75743 | 455 | tax |
75744 | 456 | tax |
52858 | 457 | tax |
pars basilaris ossis occipitalis
basilar part of occipital bone
75747 | 458 | tax |
75746 | 459 | tax |
tuberculum pharyngeum
pharyngeal tubercle
75339 | 581 | tax | ||||
52859 | 461 | tax |
pars lateralis ossis occipitalis (par)
lateral part of occipital bone (pair)
52860 | 462 | tax |
squama occipitalis
squamous part of occipital bone
75041 | 463 | tax |
margo mastoideus (par)
mastoid border (pair)
75042 | 464 | tax |
margo lambdoideus (par)
lambdoid border (pair)
75748 | 465 | tax |
(os interparietale ; os incae; os inca)
(interparietal bone ; os inca; inca bone)
52861 | 466 | tax |
condylus occipitalis (par)
occipital condyle (pair)
75369 | 467 | tax |
canalis condylaris (par)
condylar canal (pair)
75370 | 468 | tax |
canalis nervi hypoglossi (par)
hypoglossal canal (pair)
75310 | 469 | tax |
fossa condylaris (par)
condylar fossa (pair)
75749 | 470 | tax |
tuberculum jugulare (par)
jugular tubercle (pair)
81023 | 471 | tax |
incisura jugularis ossis occipitalis (par)
jugular notch of occipital bone (pair)
75750 | 472 | tax |
processus jugularis (par)
jugular process (pair)
75751 | 473 | tax |
processus intrajugularis (par)
intrajugular process (pair)
75752 | 474 | tax |
protuberantia occipitalis externa
external occipital protuberance
75753 | 475 | tax |
crista occipitalis externa
external occipital crest
53106 | 476 | tax |
linea nuchalis suprema (par)
supreme nuchal line (pair) ; highest nuchal line (pair)
53108 | 477 | tax |
linea nuchalis superior (par)
superior nuchal line (pair)
53111 | 478 | tax |
linea nuchalis inferior (par)
inferior nuchal line (pair)
17019 |
planum nuchale
nuchal plane
74565 | 479 | tax |
planum occipitale
occipital plane
75754 | 480 | tax |
eminentia cruciformis
cruciform eminence
75755 | 481 | tax |
protuberantia occipitalis interna
internal occipital protuberance
75043 | 482 | tax |
(crista occipitalis interna )
(internal occipital crest )
75335 | 483 | tax |
sulcus sinus transversi (par)
limbus of sphenoid (pair)
57127 | 484 | tax |
sulcus sinus sigmoidei (par)
groove of sigmoid sinus (pair)
75336 | 485 | tax |
sulcus sinus occipitalis
groove of occipital sinus
17020 |
fossa occipitalis mediana
median occipital fossa
75337 | 486 | tax |
sulcus sinus marginalis
groove of marginal sinus
75756 | 487 | tax |
(processus paramastoideus )
(paramastoid process )
75311 | 488 | tax |
fossa cerebralis (par)
cerebral fossa (pair)
75312 | 489 | tax |
fossa cerebellaris (par)
cerebellar fossa (pair)
52736 | 490 | tax |
os sphenoidale P3 139 children
sphenoid; sphenoidal bone
52867 | 491 | tax |
corpus ossis sphenoidalis P4 33 children
body of sphenoid
54703 | 492 | tax |
jugum sphenoidale
sphenoidal jugum ; sphenoidal yoke
75757 | 493 | tax |
limbus sphenoidalis
sphenoidal limbus
75760 | 494 | tax |
sulcus chiasmaticus (par)
chiasmatic sulcus (pair) ; prechiasmatic sulcus (pair)
54079 | 495 | tax |
sella turcica
sella turcica
54719 | 496 | tax |
tuberculum sellae
tubercle of sella
54700 | 497 | tax |
(processus clinoideus medius (par) )
(middle clinoid process (pair) )
54721 | 498 | tax |
fossa hypophysialis
hypophysial fossa
54718 | 499 | tax |
dorsum sellae
dorsum of sella
54696 | 500 | tax |
processus clinoideus posterior (par)
posterior clinoid process (pair)
54753 | 501 | tax |
sulcus caroticus (par)
carotid sulcus (pair)
54757 | 502 | tax |
lingula sphenoidalis (par)
sphenoidal lingula (pair)
54760 | 503 | tax |
crista sphenoidalis
sphenoidal crest
54770 | 504 | tax |
rostrum sphenoidale
sphenoidal rostrum
54683 | 505 | tax |
sinus sphenoidalis (par)
sphenoidal sinus (pair)
54771 | 506 | tax |
apertura sinus sphenoidalis (par)
opening of sphenoidal sinus (pair)
54684 | 507 | tax |
septum sinuum sphenoidalium
septum of sphenoidal sinuses
54733 | 508 | tax |
concha sphenoidalis (par)
sphenoidal concha (pair)
52869 | 509 | tax |
ala minor (par) P4 11 children
lesser wing (pair)
54774 | 510 | tax |
canalis opticus (par)
optic canal (pair)
54693 | 511 | tax |
(processus clinoideus anterior (par) )
(anterior clinoid process (pair) )
54799 | 512 | tax |
fissura orbitalis superior (par)
superior orbital fissure (pair)
52868 | 513 | tax |
ala major (par) P4 53 children
greater wing (pair)
53149 | 514 | tax |
facies cerebralis alae majoris (par)
cerebral surface of greater wing (pair)
53150 | 515 | tax |
facies temporalis alae majoris (par)
temporal surface of greater wing (pair)
53151 | 516 | tax |
facies infratemporalis alae majoris (par)
infratemporal surface of greater wing (pair)
54793 | 517 | tax |
crista infratemporalis (par)
infratemporal crest (pair)
75321 | 518 | tax |
facies maxillaris alae majoris (par)
maxillary surface of greater wing (pair)
53153 | 519 | tax |
facies orbitalis alae majoris (par)
orbital surface of greater wing (pair)
53512 | 520 | tax |
margo zygomaticus alae majoris (par)
zygomatic margin of greater wing (pair)
53510 | 521 | tax |
margo frontalis alae majoris (par)
frontal margin of greater wing (pair)
53511 | 522 | tax |
margo parietalis alae majoris (par)
parietal margin of greater wing (pair)
53513 | 523 | tax |
margo squamosus alae majoris (par)
squamosal margin of greater wing (pair)
53154 | 524 | tax |
foramen rotundum (par)
foramen rotundum (pair)
53155 | 525 | tax |
foramen ovale (par)
foramen ovale (pair)
54785 | 526 | tax |
(foramen venosum (par) )
(sphenoidal emissary foramen (pair))
53156 | 527 | tax |
foramen spinale (par)
foramen spinosum (pair)
53158 | 528 | tax |
(foramen petrosum (par) )
(foramen petrosum (pair))
54777 | 529 | tax |
spina ossis sphenoidalis (par)
spine of sphenoid (pair)
75761 | 530 | tax |
sulcus tubae auditivae (par) ; sulcus tubae auditoriae (par)
sulcus of auditory tube (pair)
54682 | 531 | tax |
processus pterygoideus (par)
pterygoid process (pair)
54687 | 532 | tax |
lamina lateralis (par)
lateral plate (pair)
54690 | 533 | tax |
lamina medialis (par)
medial plate (pair)
75050 | 534 | tax |
incisura pterygoidea (par)
pterygoid notch (pair)
84970 | 535 | tax |
fossa pterygoidea (par)
pterygoid fossa (pair)
84973 | 536 | tax |
fossa scaphoidea (par)
scaphoid fossa (pair)
54727 | 537 | tax |
processus vaginalis (par)
vaginal process (pair)
74570 | 538 | tax |
sulcus palatovaginalis (par)
palatovaginal groove (pair)
74571 | 539 | tax |
sulcus vomerovaginalis (par)
vomerovaginal groove (pair)
54722 | 540 | tax |
hamulus pterygoideus (par)
pterygoid hook (pair)
75338 | 541 | tax |
sulcus hamuli pterygoidei (par)
groove of pterygoid hook (pair)
54756 | 542 | tax |
canalis pterygoideus (par)
pterygoid canal (pair)
54780 | 543 | tax |
processus pterygospinalis (par)
pterygospinous process (pair)
52737 | 544 | tax |
os temporale (par) P3 284 children
temporal bone (pair)
52871 | 545 | tax |
pars petrosa ossis temporalis (par) P4 197 children
petrous part of temporal bone (pair)
55490 | 546 | tax |
margo occipitalis ossis temporalis (par)
occipital margin of temporal bone (pair)
52872 | 547 | tax |
processus mastoideus (par)
mastoid process (pair)
55493 | 548 | tax |
incisura mastoidea (par)
mastoid notch (pair)
55499 | 549 | tax |
sulcus sinus sigmoidei (par)
sulcus of sigmoid sinus (pair)
55496 | 550 | tax |
sulcus arteriae occipitalis (par)
sulcus of occipital artery (pair) ; occipital groove (pair)
53159 | 551 | tax |
foramen mastoideum (par)
mastoid foramen (pair)
54952 | 552↓ | tax |
canalis nervi facialis (par)
facial canal (pair)
75762 | 553↓ | tax |
geniculum canalis nervi facialis (par)
geniculum of facial canal (pair)
17024 |
segmentum labyrinthicum (par)
labyrinthine segment (pair)
17025 |
segmentum tympanicum (par)
tympanic segment (pair)
17026 |
segmentum pyramidale (par)
pyramidal segment (pair)
17027 |
segmentum mastoideum (par)
mastoid segment (pair)
14132↓ | tax |
canaliculus anterior chordae tympani (par)
anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
56435 | 554↓ | tax |
canaliculus posterior chordae tympani (par)
posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
55710 | 555 | tax |
apex partis petrosae ossis temporalis (par)
apex of petrous part of temporal bone (pair)
55805 | 556 | tax |
canalis caroticus (par)
carotid canal (pair)
53160 | 557 | tax |
apertura externa canalis carotici (par)
external opening of carotid canal of temporal bone (pair)
53161 | 558 | tax |
apertura interna canalis carotici (par)
internal opening of carotid canal of temporal bone (pair)
56438 | 559 | tax |
canaliculi caroticotympanici (par)
caroticotympanic canaliculi (pair)
55808 | 560 | tax |
canalis musculotubarius (par)
musculotubal canal (pair)
56439 | 561 | tax |
semicanalis musculi tensoris tympani (par)
semicanal of tensor muscle of tympanic membrane (pair)
56442 | 562 | tax |
semicanalis tubae auditivae (par); semicanalis tubae auditoriae (par)
semicanal of auditory tube (pair) ; bony auditory tube (pair)
75763 | 563 | tax |
septum canalis musculotubarii (par)
septum of musculotubal canal (pair)
54950 | 564 | tax |
facies anterior (par)
anterior surface (pair)
55966 | 566 | tax |
eminentia arcuata (par)
arcuate eminence (pair)
56445 | 567 | tax |
hiatus nervi petrosi majoris (par)
hiatus of greater petrous nerve (pair)
55988 | 568 | tax |
sulcus nervi petrosi majoris (par)
groove of greater petrous nerve (pair)
56448 | 569 | tax |
hiatus nervi petrosi minoris (par)
hiatus of lesser petrous nerve (pair)
55977 | 570 | tax |
sulcus nervi petrosi minoris (par)
groove of lesser petrous nerve (pair)
55949 | 571 | tax |
impressio trigeminalis (par)
trigeminal impression (pair)
56002 | 565 | tax |
tegmen tympani (par)
roof of tympanum (pair)
55977 | 12855 |
canalis nervi petrosi minoris (par)
canal for lesser petrosal nerve (pair)
10500 |
canalis nervi petrosi majoris (par)
canal for greater petrosal nerve (pair)
55502 | 572 | tax |
margo superior partis petrosae (par) ; crista petrosa (par)
superior border of petrous part (pair) ; petrous ridge (pair)
75052 | 573 | tax |
sulcus sinus petrosi superioris (par)
groove of superior petrous sinus (pair)
55939 | 574 | tax |
facies posterior partis petrosae (par)
posterior surface of petrous part (pair)
53162 | 575 | tax |
porus acusticus internus (par)
internal acoustic opening (pair); internal auditory pore (pair)
56418 | 577 | tax |
fossa subarcuata (par)
subarcuate fossa (pair)
56451 | 578 | tax |
canaliculus vestibuli (par) ; aqueductus vestibularis (par)
vestibular canaliculus (pair) ; vestibular aqueduct (pair)
56421 | 579 | tax |
apertura externa canaliculi vestibuli (par)
external opening of vestibular canaliculus (pair)
53163 | 576 | tax |
meatus acusticus internus (par)
internal acoustic meatus (pair) ; internal auditory canal (pair)
77753 | 7291 | tax |
fundus meatus acustici interni (par)
fundus of internal acoustic meatus (pair)
77747 | 7292 | tax |
crista transversa (par)
transverse crest (pair)
77749 | 7294↓ | tax |
crista verticalis (par)
vertical crest (pair)
77748 | 7293 | tax |
area facialis (par)
facial area (pair)
77750 | 7295 | tax |
area vestibularis superior (par)
superior vestibular area (pair)
77751 | 7296 | tax |
area vestibularis inferior (par)
inferior vestibular area (pair)
75352 | 7297 | tax |
foramen singulare (par)
singular foramen (pair)
77752 | 7298 | tax |
area cochlearis (par) ; area cochleae (par)
cochlear area (pair)
77746 | 7299 |
tractus spiralis foraminalis (par)
foraminal spiral tract (pair)
55505 | 580 | tax |
margo posterior partis petrosae (par)
posterior border of petrous part (pair)
75339 | 581 | tax |
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris (par)
groove of inferior petrous sinus (pair)
56458 | 582 | tax |
incisura jugularis ossis temporalis (par)
jugular notch of temporal bone (pair)
55709 | 583 | tax |
facies inferior partis petrosae (par)
inferior surface of petrous part (pair)
56429 | 584 | tax |
fossa jugularis (par)
jugular fossa (pair)
56454 | 585 | tax |
canaliculus cochleae (par)
cochlear canaliculus (pair)
56424 | 586 | tax |
apertura externa canaliculi cochleae (par)
external opening of cochlear canaliculus (pair)
56459 | 587 | tax |
canaliculus mastoideus (par)
mastoid canaliculus (pair)
56458 | 588 | tax |
incisura jugularis partis petrosae (par)
jugular notch of petrous part (pair)
75764 | 593 | tax |
fossula petrosa (par)
petrous fossa (pair)
589 | tax |
processus intrajugularis ossis temporalis (par)
intrajugular process of temporal bone (pair)
52877 | 590 | tax |
processus styloideus (par)
styloid process (pair)
55816 | 591 | tax |
foramen stylomastoideum (par)
stylomastoid foramen (pair)
56460 | 592↓ | tax |
canaliculus tympanicus inferior (par)
inferior tympanic canaliculus (pair) ; tympanic canaliculus (pair)
56461 | 594 | tax |
cavitas tympani (par)
tympanic cavity (pair)
52880 | 595 | tax |
pars tympanica ossis temporalis (par) P4 26 children
tympanic part of temporal bone (pair)
75053 | 596 | tax |
anulus tympanicus (par)
tympanic ring (pair)
61301 | 597 | tax |
porus acusticus externus (par)
external acoustic pore (pair) ; external auditory opening (pair)
598 | tax |
meatus acusticus externus (par)
external acoustic meatus (pair) ; external auditory canal (pair)
75766 | 599 | tax |
spina tympanica major (par)
greater tympanic spine (pair)
75767 | 600 | tax |
spina tympanica minor (par)
lesser tympanic spine (pair)
56466 | 601 | tax |
sulcus tympanicus (par)
tympanic sulcus (pair)
602 |
incisura tympanica (par)
tympanic notch (pair)
75768 | 603 | tax |
vagina processus styloidei (par)
sheath of styloid process of temporal bone (pair)
52883 | 604 | tax |
pars squamosa ossis temporalis (par) P4 29 children
squamous part of temporal bone (pair)
55484 | 605 | tax |
margo parietalis ossis temporalis (par)
parietal border of temporal bone (pair)
75044 | 606 | tax |
incisura parietalis (par)
parietal notch (pair)
55487 | 607 | tax |
margo sphenoidalis ossis temporalis (par)
sphenoidal border of temporal bone (pair)
54943 | 608 | tax |
facies temporalis ossis temporalis (par)
temporal surface of temporal bone (pair)
54953 | 609 | tax |
sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae (par)
sulcus of middle temporal artery (pair)
52886 | 610 | tax |
processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis (par)
zygomatic process of temporal bone (pair)
54956 | 611 | tax |
crista supramastoidea (par)
supramastoid crest (pair)
54960 | 612 | tax |
foveola suprameatalis (par) ; foveola suprameatalis (par)
suprameatal fovea (pair); suprameatal triangle (pair)
54961 | 613 | tax |
spina suprameatalis (par) ; spina suprameatalis (par)
suprameatal spine (pair)
75313 | 614 | tax |
fossa mandibularis (par)
mandibular fossa (pair)
75314 | 615 | tax |
facies articularis (par)
articular surface (pair)
55416 | 616 | tax |
tuberculum articulare (par) P4 17 children
articular tubercle (pair)
13849↓ |
eminentia articularis (par)
articular eminence (pair)
55463 | 617 | tax |
fissura petrotympanica (par)
petrotympanic fissure (pair)
55466 | 618 | tax |
fissura petrosquamosa (par)
petrosquamous fissure (pair)
55460 | 619 | tax |
fissura tympanosquamosa (par)
tympanosquamous fissure (pair)
55469 | 620 | tax |
fissura tympanomastoidea (par)
tympanomastoid fissure (pair)
75324 | 621 | tax |
facies cerebralis partis squamosae (par)
cerebral face of squamous part (pair)
52740 | 622 | tax |
os ethmoidale P3 43 children
ethmoid; ethmoidal bone
52890 | 623 | tax |
lamina cribrosa
cribriform plate
302877 | 624 | tax |
foramina cribrosa
cribriform foramina
57442 | 625 | tax |
crista galli
crista galli
57444 | 626 | tax |
ala cristae galli (par)
ala of crista galli (pair)
52891 | 627 | tax |
lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis
perpendicular plate of ethmoid
57448 | 628 | tax |
labyrinthus ethmoidalis (par)
ethmoidal labyrinth (pair)
57452 | 629 | tax |
cellulae ethmoidales anteriores (par)
anterior ethmoidal cells (pair)
57453 | 630 | tax |
cellulae ethmoidales mediae (par)
middle ethmoidal cells (pair)
57454 | 631 | tax |
cellulae ethmoidales posteriores (par)
posterior ethmoidal cells (pair)
57451 | 632 | tax |
lamina orbitalis labyrinthi ethmoidalis (par)
orbital plate of ethmoidal labyrinth (pair)
57457 | 633 | tax |
concha nasalis suprema (par)
supreme nasal concha (pair)
57458 | 634 | tax |
concha nasalis superior (par)
superior nasal concha (pair)
57459 | 635 | tax |
concha nasalis media (par)
middle nasal concha (pair)
57487 | 636 | tax |
bulla ethmoidalis (par)
ethmoidal bulla (pair)
57455 | 637 | tax |
processus uncinatus ossis ethmoidalis (par)
uncinate process of ethmoid (pair)
75769 | 638 | tax |
infundibulum ethmoidale (par)
ethmoidal infundibulum (pair)
75057 | 639 | tax |
hiatus semilunaris (par)
semilunar hiatus (pair)
54736 | 640 | tax |
concha nasalis inferior (par) P3 11 children
inferior nasal concha (pair)
54740 | 641 |
processus lacrimalis conchae nasalis inferioris (par)
lacrimal process of inferior nasal concha (pair)
54741 | 642 |
processus maxillaris conchae nasalis inferioris (par)
maxillary process of inferior nasal concha (pair)
54742 | 643 |
processus ethmoidalis conchae nasalis inferioris (par)
ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha (pair)
52741 | 644 | tax |
os lacrimale (par) P3 11 children
lacrimal bone (pair)
57609 | 645 | tax |
crista lacrimalis posterior (par)
posterior lacrimal crest (pair)
57613 | 646 | tax |
sulcus lacrimalis (par)
lacrimal sulcus (pair)
57606 | 647 | tax |
hamulus lacrimalis (par)
lacrimal hook (pair)
52745 | 648 | tax |
os nasale (par) P3 8 children
nasal bone (pair)
57650 | 649 | tax |
sulcus ethmoidalis ossis nasalis (par)
ethmoidal sulcus of nasal bone (pair)
302859 | 650 | tax |
foramina nasalia (par)
nasal foramina (pair)
9710 | 651 | tax |
vomer P3 6 children
57674 | 652 | tax |
ala vomeris (par)
wing of vomer (pair)
57683 | 653 | tax |
sulcus vomeris
vomerine sulcus
57679 | 654 | tax |
crista choanalis vomeris
vomerine crest of choana
57677 | 655 | tax |
pars cuneiformis vomeris
cuneiform part of vomer
9711 | 656 | tax |
os maxillaris (par); os maxillare (par) P3 155 children
maxilla (pair) ; maxillary bone (pair)
52846 | 657 | tax |
corpus (par) P4 65 children
body of maxilla (pair)
57694 | 658 | tax |
facies orbitalis (par)
orbital surface of maxilla (pair)
57746 | 660 | tax |
sulcus infraorbitalis (par)
infraorbital groove (pair)
59048 | 659 | tax |
canalis infraorbitalis (par)
infraorbital canal (pair)
53177 | 661 | tax |
margo infraorbitalis (par)
infraorbital margin of maxilla (pair)
57697 | 662 | tax |
facies anterior (par)
anterior surface of maxilla (pair)
56762 | 664 | tax |
fossa canina (par)
canine fossa of maxilla (pair)
57721 | 665 | tax |
incisura nasalis (par)
nasal notch (pair)
57718 | 663 | tax |
foramen infraorbitale (par)
infraorbital foramen (pair)
75770 | 666 | tax |
spina nasalis anterior (par)
anterior nasal spine (pair)
52963 | 667 | tax |
sutura zygomaticomaxillaris (par) ; sutura infraorbitalis (par)
zygomaticomaxillary suture (pair) ; infraorbital suture (pair)
57700 | 668 | tax |
facies infratemporalis (par)
infratemporal surface of maxilla (pair)
53166 | 669 | tax |
foramina alveolaria (par)
alveolar foramina of maxilla (pair)
57743 | 670 | tax |
canales alveolares (par)
alveolar canals of maxilla (pair)
57731 | 671 | tax |
tuber (par) ; eminentia (par)
tuber of maxilla (pair) ; eminence of maxilla (pair)
57703 | 672 | tax |
facies nasalis (par)
nasal surface of maxilla (pair)
57712 | 673 | tax |
sulcus lacrimalis (par)
lacrimal groove of maxilla (pair)
57734 | 675 | tax |
margo lacrimalis (par)
lacrimal border (pair)
57758 | 676 | tax |
hiatus maxillaris (par)
maxillary hiatus (pair)
75058 | 674 | tax |
crista conchalis (par)
conchal crest of maxilla (pair)
57762 | 677 | tax |
sulcus palatinus major (par)
greater palatine groove (pair)
57715 | 678 | tax |
sinus maxillaris (par)
maxillary sinus (pair)
52894 | 679 | tax |
processus frontalis (par) P4 11 children
frontal process of maxilla (pair)
75059 | 680 | tax |
crista lacrimalis anterior (par)
anterior lacrimal crest (pair)
75060 | 681 | tax |
incisura lacrimalis (par)
lacrimal notch (pair)
75061 | 682 | tax |
crista ethmoidalis (par)
ethmoidal crest (pair)
52895 | 683 | tax |
processus zygomaticus (par)
zygomatic process of maxilla (pair)
52896 | 684 | tax |
processus palatinus (par) P4 20 children
palatine process of maxilla (pair)
75062 | 685 | tax |
crista nasalis (par)
nasal crest of maxilla (pair)
76869 | 686 |
(os incisivum (par) ; premaxilla (par) )
(incisive bone (pair) ; premaxilla (pair) )
59107 | 10653 | tax |
canales incisivi (par)
incisive canals (pair)
75777 | 687 | tax |
(sutura incisiva (par) )
(incisive suture (pair) )
75771 | 688 | tax |
spinae palatinae (par)
palatine spines (pair)
57762 | 689 | tax |
sulci palatini (par)
palatine grooves (pair)
52897 | 690 | tax |
processus alveolaris (par) P4 50 children
alveolar process of maxilla (pair)
55640 | 691 | tax |
arcus alveolaris (par)
alveolar arch (pair)
317345 | 692 | tax |
alveoli dentales (par)
dental alveoli of maxilla (pair)
327390 | 16882 | tax |
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris primi (par)
alveolus of first superior incisive tooth (pair)
327388 | 16883 | tax |
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris secundi (par)
alveolus of second superior incisive tooth (pair)
327383 | 16884 | tax |
alveolus dentis canini superioris (par)
alveolus of superior canine tooth (pair)
327397 | 16885 | tax |
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris primi (par)
alveolus of first superior premolar tooth (pair)
327398 | 16886 | tax |
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris secundi (par)
alveolus of second superior premolar tooth (pair)
327378 | 16887 | tax |
alveolus dentis molaris superioris primi (par)
alveolus of first superior molar tooth (pair)
327379 | 16888 | tax |
alveolus dentis molaris superioris secundi (par)
alveolus of second superior molar tooth (pair)
58049 | 16889 | tax |
alveolus dentis molaris superioris tertii (par)
alveolus of third superior molar tooth (pair)
75773 | 693 | tax |
septa interalveolaria (par)
interalveolar septa of maxilla (pair)
75774 | 694 | tax |
septa interradicularia (par)
interradicular septa of maxilla (pair)
75775 | 695 | tax |
juga alveolaria (par)
alveolar juga of maxilla (pair)
75305 | 10654 | tax |
foramina incisiva (par)
incisive foramina (pair)
9933 |
foramina incisiva anteroposteriora (par)
anteroposterior incisive foramina (pair)
9934 |
foramen incisivum laterale (par)
lateral incisive foramen (pair)
52746 | 696 | tax |
os palatinum (par) P3 59 children
palatine bone (pair)
52899 | 697 | tax |
lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini (par)
perpendicular plate of palatine bone (pair)
59179 | 698 | tax |
facies nasalis (par)
nasal surface (pair)
59182 | 699 | tax |
facies maxillaris (par)
maxillary surface (pair)
59229 | 700 | tax |
incisura sphenopalatina (par)
sphenopalatine notch (pair)
57762 | 701 |
sulcus palatinus major (par)
greater palatine groove (pair)
52900 | 702 | tax |
processus pyramidalis (par)
pyramidal process (pair)
703 |
canales palatinales minores (par)
lesser palatal canals (pair)
59156 | 704 | tax |
crista conchalis (par)
conchal crest (pair)
17039↓ |
processus maxillaris ossis palatini (par)
maxillary process of palatine bone (pair)
59161 | 705 | tax |
crista ethmoidalis (par)
ethmoidal crest (pair)
59143 | 706 | tax |
processus orbitalis (par)
orbital process (pair)
59146 | 707 | tax |
processus sphenoidalis (par)
sphenoidal process (pair)
52901 | 708 | tax |
lamina horizontalis ossis palatini (par)
horizontal layer of palatine bone (pair)
59188 | 709 | tax |
facies nasalis (par)
nasal surface (pair)
59192 | 710 | tax |
facies palatina (par)
palatine surface (pair)
302871 | 711 | tax |
foramina palatina minora (par)
lesser palatine foramina (pair)
75776 | 712 | tax |
spina nasalis posterior (par)
posterior nasal spine (pair)
59208 | 713 | tax |
crista nasalis (par)
nasal crest (pair)
75066 | 714 | tax |
crista palatina (par)
palatine crest (pair)
52747 | 715 | tax |
os zygomaticum (par) P3 35 children
zygomatic bone (pair)
17040↓ |
(os japonicum (par) )
(os japonicum (pair))
59219 | 716 | tax |
facies lateralis ossis zygomatici (par)
lateral surface of zygomatic bone (pair)
59223 | 717 | tax |
facies temporalis ossis zygomatici (par)
temporal surface of zygomatic bone (pair)
59226 | 718 | tax |
facies orbitalis ossis zygomatici (par)
orbital surface of zygomatic bone (pair)
52904 | 719 | tax |
processus temporalis ossis zygomatici (par)
temporal process of zygomatic bone (pair)
52907 | 720 | tax |
processus frontalis ossis zygomatici (par)
frontal process of zygomatic bone (pair)
52910 | 721 | tax |
tuberculum orbitale (par) ; eminentia orbitalis (par)
orbital tubercle (pair) ; orbital eminence (pair)
75778 | 722 | tax |
(tuberculum marginale (par) )
(marginal tubercle (pair) )
53168 | 723 | tax |
foramen zygomaticoorbitale (par)
zygomaticoorbital foramen (pair)
53169 | 724 | tax |
foramen zygomaticofaciale (par)
zygomaticofacial foramen (pair)
53170 | 725 | tax |
foramen zygomaticotemporale (par)
zygomaticotemporal foramen (pair)
52748 | 726 | tax |
mandibula P3 119 children
52827 | 727 | tax |
corpus mandibulae P4 73 children
body of mandible
52831 | 728 | tax |
basis mandibulae
base of mandible
75779 | 729 | tax |
(symphysis mandibularis ; syndesmosis mandibularis )
(mandibular symphysis ; mandibular syndesmosis )
59430 | 730 | tax |
protuberantia mentalis
mental protuberance
59426 | 731 | tax |
tuberculum mentale (par)
mental tubercle (pair)
53171 | 732 |
foramen mentale (par)
mental foramen (pair)
59481 | 733 |
linea obliqua (par)
oblique line (pair)
59444 | 734 | tax |
fossa digastrica (par)
digastric fossa (pair)
59432 | 735 | tax |
spina mentalis superior ; spina geni superior
superior mental spine ; superior genial spine
59433 | 736 | tax |
spina mentalis inferior ; spina geni inferior
inferior mental spine ; inferior genial spine
53119 | 737 | tax |
linea mylohyoidea (par)
mylohyoid line (pair)
75780 | 738 | tax |
(torus mandibularis (par) )
(mandibular torus (pair) )
59434 | 739 | tax |
fovea sublingualis (par)
sublingual fossa (pair)
59435 | 740 | tax |
fovea submandibularis (par)
submandibular fossa (pair)
52832 | 741 | tax |
pars alveolaris mandibulae
alveolar part of mandible
64850 | 742 | tax |
arcus alveolaris
alveolar arch
317348 | 743 | tax |
alveoli dentales mandibulae (par)
dental alveoli of mandible (pair)
327391 | 13392 | tax |
alveolus dentis incisivi inferioris primi (par)
alveolus of first inferior incisive tooth (pair)
327389 | 13396 | tax |
alveolus dentis incisivi inferioris secundi (par)
alveolus of second inferior incisive tooth (pair)
327384 | 13400 | tax |
alveolus dentis canini inferioris (par)
alveolus of inferior canine tooth (pair)
327395 | 13404 | tax |
alveolus dentis premolaris inferioris primi (par)
alveolus of first inferior premolar tooth (pair)
327396 | 13408 | tax |
alveolus dentis premolaris inferioris secundi (par)
alveolus of second inferior premolar tooth (pair)
327380 | 13412 | tax |
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris primi (par)
alveolus of first inferior molar tooth (pair)
327381 | 13416 | tax |
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris secundi (par)
alveolus of second inferior molar tooth (pair)
58039 | 13420 | tax |
alveolus dentis molaris inferioris tertii (par)
alveolus of third inferior molar tooth (pair)
59447 | 744 | tax |
septa interalveolaria (par)
interalveolar (pair)
745 | tax |
septa interradicularia (par)
interradicular (pair)
746 | tax |
juga alveolaria (par)
alveolar (pair)
75784 | 747 | tax |
trigonum retromolare (par)
retromolar trigone (pair)
75315 | 748 | tax |
fossa retromolaris (par)
retromolar fossa (pair)
52828 | 749 | tax |
ramus mandibulae (par) P4 44 children
branch of mandible (pair)
59459 | 750 | tax |
angulus mandibulae (par)
angle of mandible (pair)
75785 | 751 | tax |
(tuberositas masseterica (par) )
(masseteric tuberosity (pair) )
75786 | 752 | tax |
tuberositas pterygoidea (par)
pterygoid tuberosity (pair)
53172 | 753↓ | tax |
foramen mandibulae (par) ; foramen alveolare inferius (par)
mandibular foramen (pair) ; inferior alveolar foramen (pair)
59470 | 754 | tax |
lingula mandibulae (par)
lingula of mandible (pair)
59473 | 755 | tax |
canalis mandibulae (par)
mandibular canal (pair)
59448 | 756 | tax |
sulcus mylohyoideus (par)
mylohyoid sulcus (pair)
52833 | 757 | tax |
processus coronoideus (par)
coronoid process (pair)
59484 | 758 | tax |
crista temporalis (par)
temporal crest (pair)
59481 | 759 | tax |
incisura (par)
mandibular notch (pair)
52836 | 760 | tax |
processus condylaris mandibulae (par)
condylar process of mandible (pair)
59331 | 761 | tax |
caput mandibulae (par) ; condylus mandibulae (par)
head of mandible (pair) ; mandibular condyle (pair)
59332 | 762 | tax |
collum mandibulae (par)
neck of mandible (pair)
59478 | 763 | tax |
fovea pterygoidea (par)
pterygoid fovea (pair)
52749 | 764 | tax |
os hyoideum P3 7 children
hyoid bone
59495 | 765 | tax |
corpus ossis hyoidei
body of hyoid bone
59499 | 766 | tax |
cornu minus (par)
lesser horn (pair)
59496 | 767 | tax |
cornu majus (par)
greater horn (pair)
409 lines
90.7 %
79.0 %
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
552 |
The canalis facialis has four segments or parts (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York), labyrinthine, tympanic, pyramidal and mastoid.
553 |
The space for the geniculum is also known as Fossa geniculata (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York).
554 |
The chorda tympani passes from the facial canal through the posterior tympanic canaliculus to enter the tympanic cavity, then leaves through the anterior tympanic canaliculus to reach the petrotympanic fissure.
592 |
The inferior tympanic canaliculus transmits the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, whereas the posterior and anterior tympanic canaliculi transmit the chorda tympani.
753 |
Since there are other foramina in the mandibula, it has been suggested to use the term Foramen alveolare inferius for the Foramen mandibulae, according to its contents, the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle (Buch 2011 Clin Anat 24:515-517).
7294 |
In ENT Surgery, the Crista verticalis is known as 'Bill's bar' (after William House). It separates the Superior portion of the meatus into an anterior channel for the Facial nerve and a posterior channel for the Superior vestibular nerve.
13849 |
For a description of the Eminentia articularis, see Alt KW, Rösing LW, Teschler-Nicola M, eds, (1995) Dental Anthropology. Fundamentals, Limits and Prospects. Springer, Wien, New York, p 151.
14132 |
See note # 554
17039 |
This rarely mentioned process forms an important part of the closure of the hiatus sinus maxillaris (Krmpotic-Nemankic et al. 2003 Ann Anat 185:53-56).
17040 |
This variant bipartite zygomatic is found in approximately 4%.
Signature |
Type of list | P2F |
List Unit Identifier | 402 |
Sublist 1 | 403 os parietale 56/19 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 422 os frontale 70/33 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 453 os occipitale 74/39 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 490 os sphenoidale 139/54 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 544 os temporale 284/95 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 6 | 622 os ethmoidale 43/18 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 7 | 640 concha nasalis inferior 11/4 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 8 | 644 os lacrimale 11/4 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 9 | 648 os nasale 8/3 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 10 | 651 vomer 6/5 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 11 | 656 maxilla 155/52 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 12 | 696 os palatinum 59/20 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 13 | 715 os zygomaticum 35/12 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 14 | 726 mandibula 119/46 on 3.7.2024 |
Sublist 15 | 764 os hyoideum 7/4 on 4.7.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 1077 subunits 408 |
Proper children | 15 |
Number of children | 1092 (validated) |
Proper units | 1 |
Number of units | 409 (validated) |
Signature | 13270 (validated since 4.7.2024) |
Date: 26.07.2024 |