Latin and French navigation with English interface
Partonomy navigation
Navigation of the TNA. Click on the top link titled to begin browsing the main list of the whole TNA terminology.
Or click a red button at the top nodes of the TNA hierarchy to open it. Click a green button on any branch of the hierarchy to close it. Click an orange button to reopen it. On any section marked with an empty button , click one of the or button to access the short or extended version of the list.
Navigation is either based on the upper levels of the partonomic hierarchy or it can be done in alphabetical order of the 22 sections of the TNA. Click the button to the left of TNA alphabetically to open the alphabetical list, and click again to close it.
The TNA partonomy is made up of 4 chapters, each of which is subdivided into a number of sections, which are further subdivided into subsections. There are 22 sections forming the TNA. Then, we access the partonomic lists with a variable number of indented entities according to the partonomic hierarchy.
The 4 chapters are at level 1 of the hierarchy. The 22 sections are at level 2 and 3. The subsections are at level 4. Any list at a higher level is usually subdivided into a number of sub-lists at the next level. The user can select any level 2, 3 or 4 to view the entities. Level 1 and possibly 2 (depending on the size of the chapter) are reserved for navigation.
Navigation of the TAH. Click on the link titled to open the list of available chapters of TAH (if not yet open).
Then select any chapter by clicking its left button to open its subchapters. When displaying the subchapters, access directly to any of them, using the or button at convenience.
All full chapters of TAH are directly available in and format, plus in format or in format using the corresponding buttons. These later two files, once they are displayed, can be locally saved for personal use. In particular, the Table file can be directly used as input file to Excel or a database.
The format of the Table file is character delimited with the ¦ character. It is made of 4 fields: 1) the unit identifier of TAH; 2) the indentation in the list as a set of spaces; 3) the terms in main language; 4) the terms in subsidiary language. The terms are ordered as main term, first synonym, second synonym, third synonym semicolumn separated, the synonyms being optional. Use the language selector (top right logo) to change the main and subsidiary languages.