SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
TA code | A02.1.03.009 |
Entity ID number | THA:430 |
FMA identifier | FMA:57412 |
Type of entity | Immaterial entity |
Language |
TA98 Latin preferred term | foramen supraorbitale |
TA98 Latin official synonym | incisura supraorbitalis |
TA98 Latin precursor term | incisura supraorbitalis/foramen supraorbitale |
TA98 English equivalent | supra-orbital foramen |
TA98 English synonym | supra-orbital notch |
TA98 English source term | supra-orbital notch/foramen |
Properties |
![]() |
This entity has left and right instances. |
![]() |
This entity is an immaterial object (no mass). |
Notes |
TA98 RAT note | In the printed Terminologia Anatomica this entity was represented by two terms separated by a slash, which replaced the conjunction sive ("or") that was used in Nomina Anatomica. The use of a slash is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology, so the slash was replaced with a semicolon even though the terms are not synonyms. Foramen is listed as Latin preferred term because it is more common than >incisura. |
TA98 Hierarchy |
A01.0.00.000 |
A02.0.00.000 |
A02.0.00.009 |
A02.1.00.001 |
A02.1.03.001 |
A02.1.03.002 |
A02.1.03.003 |
A02.1.03.008 |
A02.1.03.009 |
foramen supraorbitale
FMA Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 |
anatomical entity
FMA:61775 |
physical anatomical entity
FMA:67112 |
immaterial physical anatomical entity
FMA:5897 |
anatomical space
FMA:9338 |
anatomical conduit
FMA:53165 |
cranial conduit
FMA:57412 |
supraorbital foramen
Date: 29.01.2013 |