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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | systema skeletale Short Extended |
Current level | cranium Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
46565 | 305 | tax |
cranium ; skull
17006 |
normae cranii P3 5 children
aspects of cranium
75375 | 306 |
norma frontalis cranii ; norma facialis cranii
frontal aspect of cranium ; facial aspect of cranium
75376 | 307 |
norma superior cranii ; norma verticalis cranii
superior aspect of cranium ; vertical aspect of cranium ; vertex aspect of cranium
75377 | 308 |
norma occipitalis cranii
occipital aspect of cranium
75378 | 309 |
norma lateralis cranii
lateral aspect of cranium
75379 | 310 |
norma inferior ; norma basalis
inferior aspect
17008 |
divisiones cranii P3 5 children
subdivisions of cranium
53672 | 311 | tax |
neurocranium ; brain box
53673 | 312 | tax |
viscerocranium ; facial skeleton
76621 | 313 |
76622 | 314 |
76623 | 315 | tax |
pericranium ; periosteum externum
17009 |
termini cranii P3 31 children
terms of cranium
63865 | 317 | tax |
frons ; pars frontalis cranii ; sinciput
forehead ; frontal part of cranium ; sinciput
49187 | 318 | tax |
264779 | 319 | tax |
264776 | 320 | tax |
264773 | 321 | tax |
76624 | 322 | tax |
264720 | 323 | tax |
pterion (par)
pterion (pair)
76625 | 324 | tax |
asterion (par)
asterion (pair)
76626 | 325 | tax |
gonion (par)
gonion (pair)
17010 |
314557 | 326 | tax |
fossa temporalis (par)
temporal fossa (pair)
53120 | 327 | tax |
arcus zygomaticus (par)
zygomatic arch (pair)
75308 | 328 | tax |
fossa infratemporalis (par)
infratemporal fossa (pair)
75309 | 329 | tax |
fossa pterygopalatina (par)
pterygopalatine fossa (pair)
76627 | 330 | tax |
fissura pterygomaxillaris (par)
pterygomaxillary fissure (pair)
75438 | 331 | tax |
fonticuli cranii P3 8 children
75439 | 332 | tax |
fonticulus anterior
anterior fontanelle
75440 | 333 | tax |
fonticulus posterior
posterior fontanelle
334 | tax |
fonticulus sphenoidalis (par) ; fonticulus anterolateralis (par)
sphenoidal fontanelle (pair) ; anterolateral fontanelle (pair)
75442 | 335 | tax |
fonticulus mastoideus (par) ; fonticulus posterolateralis (par)
mastoid fontanelle (pair) ; posterolateral fontanelle (pair)
9644 | 316 | tax |
cavitas cranii
cranial cavity
52800 | 336 | tax |
calvaria P3 12 children
46484 | 337 | tax |
vertex cranii
vertex of cranium
76628 | 338 | tax |
lamina externa calvariae
external table of calvaria
76630 | 339 | tax |
diploe calvariae
diploë of calvaria
340 |
canales diploici
diploic canals
76629 | 341 | tax |
lamina interna calvariae
internal table of calvaria
57118 | 342 | tax |
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris
groove of superior sagittal sinus
343 |
foveolae granulares
granular foveolae
344 |
impressiones gyrorum cerebri ; impressiones digitata
impressions of cerebral gyri
17012↓ |
juga cerebralia
cerebral juga
345 |
sulci venosi calvariae
venous grooves of calvaria
346 |
sulci arteriosi calvariae
arterial grooves of calvaria
59327 | 347 | tax |
(os suturale )
(sutural bone )
52801 | 348 | tax |
basis cranii P3 38 children
cranial base; basicranium
53128 | 349 | tax |
basis cranii interna
internal surface of cranial base
75038 | 350 | tax |
fissura sphenopetrosa
sphenopetrous fissure ; petrosphenoidal fissure
75039 | 351 | tax |
fissura petrooccipitalis
petrooccipital fissure
9682 | 352 | tax |
fossa cranii anterior
anterior cranial fossa
54369 | 353 | tax |
fossa cranii media
middle cranial fossa
54368 | 354 | tax |
fossa cranii posterior
posterior cranial fossa
54376 | 355 | tax |
75339 | 356 | tax |
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris (par)
groove of inferior petrous sinus (pair)
53129 | 357 | tax |
basis cranii externa
external surface of cranial base
56432 | 358 | tax |
foramen jugulare (par)
jugular foramen (pair)
54809 | 359↓ | tax |
foramen lacerum (par)
lacerum foramen (pair)
59857 | 360 | tax |
palatum osseum
bony palate
57761 | 361 | tax |
canalis palatinus major (par)
greater palatine canal (pair)
53173 | 362 | tax |
foramen palatinum majus (par)
greater palatine foramen (pair)
302871 | 711 | tax | ||||
300051 | 364 | tax |
fossa incisiva
incisive fossa
59107 | 10653 | tax | ||||
75305 | 10654 | tax | ||||
59201 | 367 | tax |
(torus palatinus )
(palatine torus )
54372 | 368 | tax |
canalis palatovaginalis (par)
palatovaginal canal (pair)
54373 | 369 | tax |
canalis vomerovaginalis (par)
vomerovaginal canal (pair)
54374 | 370 | tax |
canalis vomerorostralis (par)
vomerorostral canal (pair)
53074 | 371 | tax |
orbita (par) P3 69 children
orbit (pair)
84961 | 372 | tax |
cavitas orbitalis (par)
orbital cavity (pair)
53134 | 373 | tax |
aditus orbitalis (par)
orbital opening (pair)
53176 | 374 | tax |
margines orbitales (par)
orbital margins (pair)
53097 | 375 | tax |
margo superior orbitae (par)
superior margin of orbit (pair)
53097 | 429 | tax | ||||
53177 | 376 | tax |
margo inferior orbitae (par)
inferior margin of orbit (pair)
53177 | 661 | tax | ||||
53178 | 377 | tax |
margo lateralis orbitae (par)
lateral margin of orbit (pair)
53179 | 378 | tax |
margo medialis orbitae (par)
medial margin of orbit (pair)
264912 | 10989 |
parietes orbitae (par)
walls of orbit (pair)
53078 | 379 |
paries superior orbitae (par)
roof of orbit (pair)
57131 | 444 | tax | ||||
53079 | 380 |
paries inferior orbitae (par)
floor of orbit (pair)
57694 | 658 | tax | ||||
53080 | 381 |
paries lateralis orbitae (par)
lateral wall of orbit (pair)
59226 | 718 | tax | ||||
17013↓ |
foramen cranioorbitale (par)
cranioorbital foramen (pair)
17014↓ |
foramen sphenotemporale (par)
sphenotemporal foramen (pair)
53081 | 382 |
paries medialis orbitae (par)
medial wall of orbit (pair)
53135 | 383 | tax |
foramen ethmoidale anterius orbitae (par)
anterior ethmoidal foramen of orbit (pair)
17015 |
canalis orbitocranialis (par)
orbitocranial canal (pair)
53136 | 384 | tax |
foramen ethmoidale posterius orbitae (par)
posterior ethmoidal foramen of orbit (pair)
17016 |
canalis orbitoethmoidalis (par)
orbitoethmoidal canal (pair)
57712 | 673 | tax | ||||
54390 | 386 | tax |
fossa sacci lacrimalis (par)
fossa of lacrimal pouch (pair)
54799 | 512 | tax | ||||
54802 | 388 | tax |
fissura orbitalis inferior (par)
inferior orbital fissure (pair) ; sphenomaxillary fissure (pair)
54370 | 389 | tax |
canalis nasolacrimalis (par)
nasolacrimal canal (pair)
75740 | 390 | tax |
cavitas nasalis ossea P3 28 children
bony nasal cavity
59837 | 391 | tax |
septum nasi osseum
bony nasal septum
53137 | 392 | tax |
apertura piriformis (par)
piriform aperture (pair)
393 | tax |
meatus nasi superior (par)
superior nasal meatus (pair)
394 | tax |
meatus nasi medius (par)
middle nasal meatus (pair)
59737 | 2806 |
atrium meatus nasi medii (par)
atrium of middle nasal meatus (pair)
395 | tax |
meatus nasi inferior (par)
inferior nasal meatus (pair)
54371 | 396 | tax |
ostium canalis nasolacrimalis (par)
opening of nasolacrimal canal (pair)
397 | tax |
meatus nasi communis
common nasal meatus
59734 | 398 | tax |
recessus sphenoethmoidalis (par)
sphenoethmoidal recess (pair)
399 | tax |
meatus nasopharyngeus
nasopharyngeal meatus
400 | tax |
choana (par) ; apertura nasalis posterior (par)
choana (pair) ; posterior nasal opening (pair)
53144 | 401 | tax |
foramen sphenopalatinum
sphenopalatine foramen
113 lines
78.8 %
66.4 %
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
359 |
The foramen lacerum consists of external and internal fissures.
17012 |
Juga cerebralia are listed separately as positive structures.
17013 |
The variant cranioorbital foramen and the sphenotemporal foramen may form channels through which branches of the external carotid artery participate in orbital vascularization (Ducasse et al.1985 J Fr Ophthalmol 8:333-339).
17014 |
See note # 17013
Signature |
Type of list | P2F |
List Unit Identifier | 305 |
Sublist 1 | 331 fonticuli cranii 8/5 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 336 calvaria 12/13 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 348 basis cranii 38/23 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 371 orbita 69/28 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 390 cavitas nasalis ossea 28/13 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 6 | 17006 normae cranii 5/6 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 7 | 17008 divisiones cranii 5/6 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 8 | 17009 termini cranii 31/16 on 1.7.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 196 subunits 110 |
Proper children | 12 |
Number of children | 208 (validated) |
Proper units | 3 |
Number of units | 113 (validated) |
Signature | 3958 (validated since 1.7.2024) |
Date: 26.07.2024 |