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Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7158 | 2765 | tax |
systema respiratorium
respiratory system
46472 | 2766 | tax |
59515 | 16105 | tax |
nasus externus
external nose
59516 | 2767 | tax |
radix nasi
root of nose
59517 | 2768 | tax |
dorsum nasi
dorsum of nose
59518 | 2769 | tax |
apex nasi
apex of nose ; tip of nose
59519 | 2770 | tax |
ala nasi (par)
ala of nose (pair)
2771 | tax |
cartilagines nasi
nasal cartilages
59504 | 2772 | tax |
cartilago alaris major (par)
major alar cartilage (pair)
59544 | 2773 | tax |
crus mediale (par)
medial crus (pair)
59595 | 2774 | tax |
pars mobilis septi nasi (par)
mobile part of nasal septum (pair)
59547 | 2775 | tax |
crus laterale (par)
lateral crus (pair)
71705 | 2776 | tax |
cartilagines alares minores (par)
minor alar cartilages (pair)
71706 | 2777 | tax |
cartilagines nasi accessoriae (par)
accessory nasal cartilages (pair)
59503 | 2778 | tax |
cartilago septi nasi
septal nasal cartilage
59579 | 2779 | tax |
processus lateralis
lateral process
59580 | 2780 | tax |
processus posterior ; processus sphenoidalis
posterior process ; sphenoidal process
59514 | 2781 | tax |
cartilago vomeronasalis
vomeronasal cartilage
54375 | 2785 | tax |
septum nasi
nasal septum
77197 | 2786 | tax |
pars membranacea septi nasi
membranous part of nasal septum
2787 | tax |
pars cartilaginea septi nasi
cartilaginous part of nasal septum
2788 | tax |
pars ossea septi nasi
osseous part of nasal septum
77280 | 2789 | tax |
organum vomeronasale
vomeronasal organ
77282 | 2814 | tax |
(ductus incisivus (par) )
(incisive duct (pair) )
16106 |
paries lateralis cavitatis nasi (par)
lateral wall of nasal cavity (pair)
59686 | 2791 | tax |
limen nasi (par)
limen nasi (pair)
59766 | 2802 | tax |
agger nasi (par)
agger nasi (pair)
83769 | 2792 | tax |
sulcus olfactorius (par)
olfactory groove (pair)
57456 | 11222 | tax |
conchae nasi (par)
conchae of nose (pair)
57457 | 633 | tax | ||||
57458 | 634 | tax | ||||
57459 | 635 | tax | ||||
57487 | 636 | tax | ||||
54736 | 640 | tax | ||||
76586 | 2797 |
plexus cavernosus concharum nasi
cavernous plexus of conchae of nose
75057 | 639 | tax | ||||
75769 | 638 | tax | ||||
57758 | 676 | tax | ||||
16107 |
laminae cavitatis nasi
layers of nasal cavity
59684 | 2798 | tax |
tunica mucosa nasi (par)
mucosa of nasal cavity (pair); mucous membrane of nasal cavity (pair)
16110 | tax |
pars vestibularis mucosae nasi
vestibular part of mucosa of nose
77198 | 2799 | tax |
pars respiratoria mucosae nasi (par)
respiratory part of mucosa of nose (pair)
321518 | 2801 | tax |
glandulae nasales (par)
nasal glands (pair)
263248 | 16111 | tax |
lamina propria mucosae nasi
proper layer of mucosa of nose
16112 | tax |
lamina epithelialis mucosae nasi
epithelial layer of mucosa of nose
16108 |
paries superior cavitatis nasi
superior wall of nasal cavity
77199 | 2800 | tax |
pars olfactoria mucosae nasi (par)
olfactory part of mucosa of nose (pair) ; olfactory region of mucosa of nose (pair)
9313 | ||||||
54378 | 2782 | tax |
cavitas nasi (par)
nasal cavity (pair)
59645 | 2783 | tax |
naris (par)
naris (pair)
59734 | 398 | tax | ||||
393 | tax | |||||
394 | tax | |||||
59737 | 2806 | |||||
395 | tax | |||||
397 | tax | |||||
399 | tax | |||||
400 | tax | |||||
2815 | tax |
sinus paranasales
paranasal sinuses
57715 | 678 | tax | ||||
54683 | 505 | tax | ||||
57417 | 450 | tax | ||||
2819 |
cellulae ethmoidales
ethmoidal cells
57452 | 629 | tax | ||||
57453 | 630 | tax | ||||
57454 | 631 | tax | ||||
15608 | tax |
laminae sinuum paranasalium (par)
layers of paranasal sinuses (pair)
15608 | tax |
laminae sinuum paranasalium
layers of paranasal sinuses
15608 | tax |
laminae sinuum paranasalium
layers of paranasal sinuses
16118 |
lamina mucosa
mucous layer
321518 | 16120 |
glandulae paranasales
paranasal glands
16121 |
lamina propria
proper layer
16122 |
lamina epithelialis
epithelial layer
59644 | 2790 | tax |
vestibulum nasi (par)
nasal vestibule (pair)
55097 | 2823 | tax |
55108 | 2824 | tax |
cartilagines laryngis
laryngeal cartilages
55099 | 2825 | tax |
cartilago thyroidea
thyroid cartilage
55304 | 2826 | tax |
prominentia laryngea
laryngeal prominence ; Adam's apple
55301 | 2827 | tax |
lamina cartilaginis thyroideae (par)
layer of thyroid cartilage (pair)
55279 | 2828 | tax |
incisura thyroidea superior
superior thyroid notch
55280 | 2829 | tax |
incisura thyroidea inferior
inferior thyroid notch
55282 | 2830 |
tuberculum thyroideum superius (par)
superior thyroid tubercle (pair)
55283 | 2831 |
tuberculum thyroideum inferius (par)
inferior thyroid tubercle (pair)
55289 | 2832 |
linea obliqua cartilaginis thyroideae (par)
oblique line of thyroid cartilage (pair)
55294 | 2833 |
cornu superius cartilaginis thyroideae (par)
superior horn of thyroid cartilage (pair)
55297 | 2834 |
cornu inferius cartilaginis thyroideae (par)
inferior horn of thyroid cartilage (pair)
75347 | 2835 | tax |
(foramen thyroideum )
(thyroid foramen )
55132 | 2836 |
membrana thyrohyoidea (par)
thyrohyoid membrane (pair)
55138 | 2837 | tax |
ligamentum thyrohyoideum medianum
median thyrohyoid ligament
76878 | 2838 |
bursa retrohyoidea
retrohyoid bursa
75391 | 2839 |
bursa infrahyoidea (par)
infrahyoid bursa (pair)
55139 | 2840 | tax |
ligamentum thyrohyoideum laterale (par)
lateral thyrohyoid ligament (pair)
55213 | 2841 |
cartilago triticea (par)
triticeal cartilage (pair)
9615 | 2842 | tax |
cartilago cricoidea
cricoid cartilage
55313 | 2843 |
arcus cartilaginis cricoideae
arch of cricoid cartilage
55314 | 2844 |
lamina cartilaginis cricoideae
layer of cricoid cartilage
55317 | 2845 |
facies articularis arytenoidea (par)
arytenoid articular surface (pair)
55318 | 2846 |
facies articularis thyroidea (par)
thyroid articular surface (pair)
55109 | 2852 | tax |
cartilago arytenoidea (par)
arytenoid cartilage (pair)
76671 | 2853 |
facies articularis cartilaginis arytenoideae (par)
articular surface of arytenoid cartilage (pair)
55349 | 2854 |
basis cartilaginis arytenoideae (par)
base of arytenoid cartilage (pair)
76672 | 2855 |
facies anterolateralis cartilaginis arytenoideae (par)
anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage (pair)
55350 | 2856 |
processus vocalis (par)
vocal process (pair)
55352 | 2857 |
crista arcuata (par)
arcuate crest (pair)
55353 | 2858 |
colliculus (par)
colliculus (pair)
76912 | 2859 |
fovea oblonga (par)
oblong fovea (pair)
76913 | 2860 |
fovea triangularis (par)
triangular fovea (pair)
76673 | 2861 |
facies medialis cartilaginis arytenoideae (par)
medial surface of arytenoid cartilage (pair)
76674 | 2862 |
facies posterior cartilaginis arytenoideae (par)
posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage (pair)
55348 | 2863 |
apex cartilaginis arytenoideae (par)
apex of arytenoid cartilage (pair)
55351 | 2864 |
processus muscularis cartilaginis arytenoideae (par)
muscular process of arytenoid cartilage (pair)
55110 | 2870 | tax |
cartilago corniculata (par)
corniculate cartilage (pair)
55388 | 2871 |
tuberculum corniculatum (par)
corniculate tubercle (pair)
55111 | 2872 | tax |
cartilago cuneiformis (par)
cuneiform cartilage (pair)
55391 | 2873 |
tuberculum cuneiforme (par)
cuneiform tubercle (pair)
55130 | 2874 |
55112 | 2875 | tax |
cartilago epiglottica
epiglottic cartilage
55400 | 2876 |
petiolus epiglottidis
stalk of epiglottis ; petiolus
55397 | 2877 |
tuberculum epiglotticum
epiglottic tubercle
55230 | 2878 |
ligamentum thyroepiglotticum (par)
thyroepiglottic ligament (pair)
55227 | 2879 |
ligamentum hyoepiglotticum (par)
hyoepiglottic ligament (pair)
77284 | 2880 |
corpus adiposum preepiglotticum
preepiglottic fat body
16115 |
articulationes laryngis
laryngeal joints
55101 | 2847 | tax |
articulatio cricothyroidea
cricothyroid joint
55106 | 2848 |
capsula articularis cricothyroidea
capsule of cricothyroid joint
77283 | 2849 | tax |
ligamentum ceratocricoideum
ceratocricoid ligament
55237 | 2850 |
ligamentum cricothyroideum medianum
median cricothyroid ligament
55259 | 2851 | tax |
ligamentum cricotracheale
cricotracheal ligament
55102 | 2865 | tax |
articulatio cricoarytenoidea (par)
cricoarytenoid joint (pair)
55305 | 2866 |
capsula articularis cricoarytenoidea (par)
capsule of cricoarytenoid joint (pair)
55261 | 2867 |
ligamentum cricoarytenoideum (par)
cricoarytenoid ligament (pair)
55260 | 2868 |
ligamentum cricopharyngeum (par)
cricopharyngeal ligament (pair)
55379 | 2869 |
(cartilago sesamoidea (par) )
(sesamoid cartilage (pair) )
55263 | 2893 |
cavitas laryngis
laryngeal cavity
55405 | 2894 |
aditus laryngis
laryngeal inlet
55448 | 2895 |
plica aryepiglottica (par)
aryepiglottic fold (pair)
55388 | 2871 | |||||
55391 | 2873 | |||||
75122 | 2898 |
incisura interarytenoidea
interarytenoid notch
55406 | 2899 |
vestibulum laryngis
laryngeal vestibule
55452 | 2900 | tax |
plica vestibularis
vestibular fold
55473 | 2901 |
rima vestibuli
rima vestibuli
55311 | 2910 |
cavitas infraglottica
infraglottic cavity
64171 | 2902 |
ventriculus laryngis
laryngeal ventricle
16132 |
glandulae ventriculi laryngis
glands of laryngeal ventricle
64172 | 2903 |
sacculus laryngis
laryngeal saccule
16133 |
glandulae sacculi laryngis
glands of laryngeal saccule
55414 | 2904 | tax |
55457 | 2905 | tax |
plica vocalis
vocal fold
55472 | 2906 |
rima glottidis ; rima vocalis
rima glottidis
55509 | 2907 |
pars intermembranacea
intermembranous part
55510 | 2908 |
pars intercartilaginea
intercartilaginous part
77285 | 2909 |
plica interarytenoidea
interarytenoid fold
16116 | tax |
laminae laryngis (par)
layers of larynx (pair)
16123 |
tunica adventitia laryngis (par)
adventitia of larynx (pair)
55239 | 2913 |
membrana fibroelastica laryngis (par)
fibroelastic membrane of larynx (pair)
55247 | 2914 |
membrana quadrangularis (par)
quadrangular membrane (pair)
64147 | 2915 |
ligamentum vestibulare (par)
vestibular ligament (pair)
55250 | 2916 |
conus elasticus (par); membrana cricovocalis (par)
conus elasticus (pair); cricovocal membrane (pair)
55244 | 2917 |
ligamentum vocale (par)
vocal ligament (pair)
59662 | 2911 |
tunica mucosa laryngis (par)
mucosa of larynx (pair); mucous membrane of larynx (pair)
71626 | 2912 |
glandulae laryngeales (par); glandulae laryngeae (par)
laryngeal glands (pair)
265146 | 16124 | tax |
lamina propria mucosae laryngis (par)
proper layer of mucosa of larynx (pair)
16125 | tax |
lamina epithelialis mucosae laryngis (par)
epithelial layer of mucosa of larynx (pair)
1769 | tax | |||||
7394 | 2918 | tax |
7462 | 2919 | tax |
pars cervicalis tracheae ; pars colli
cervical part of trachea
7463 | 2920 | tax |
pars thoracica tracheae
thoracic part of trachea
7468 | 2924 | tax |
paries membranaceus tracheae
membranous wall of trachea
7464 | 2925 | tax |
bifurcatio tracheae
tracheal bifurcation
7465 | 2926 | tax |
carina tracheae
carina of trachea
14109 | tax |
laminae tracheae
layers of trachea
77288 | 14110 | tax |
tunica fibromusculocartilaginea tracheae
fibromusculocartilaginous layer of trachea
7434 | 2921 | tax |
cartilagines tracheales
tracheal cartilages
7466 | 2922 | tax |
musculus trachealis
tracheal muscle
2923 | tax |
ligamenta anularia ; ligamenta trachealia
anular ligaments ; tracheal ligaments
7471 | 2927 | tax |
tunica mucosa tracheae
mucosa of trachea; mucous membrane of trachea
62015 | 14244 | tax |
epithelium respiratorium
respiratory epithelium
7473 | 2928 | tax |
glandulae tracheales
tracheal glands
265157 | 16134 | tax |
lamina propria mucosae tracheae
proper layer of mucosa of trachea
16135 | tax |
lamina epithelialis mucosae tracheae
epithelial layer of mucosa of trachea
7409 | 2929 | tax |
26660 | 2930 | tax |
arbor bronchialis
bronchial tree
7405 | 16144 | tax |
bronchi principales
principal bronchi
223208 | 16145 | tax |
bronchi intrapulmonales
intrapulmonary bronchi
7406 | 16146 | tax |
bronchi lobares
lobar bronchi
7407 | 16147 | tax |
bronchi segmentales
segmental bronchi
7408 | 2958 | tax |
bronchi intrasegmentales
intrasegmental bronchi
76497 | 3011 | tax | ||||
16149 | ||||||
16150 | tax |
laminae bronchi
layers of bronchus
16151 | tax |
tunica adventitia bronchi
adventitia of bronchus
77288 | 2959 | tax |
tunica fibromusculocartilaginea bronchi
fibromusculocartilaginous layer of bronchus ; fibromusculocartilaginous coat of bronchus
62652 | 2961 | tax |
tunica mucosa bronchi
mucosa of bronchus; mucous membrane of bronchus
13119 | 2962 | tax |
glandulae bronchiales
bronchial glands
86619 | 16152 | tax |
lamina propria mucosae bronchi
proper layer of mucosa of bronchus
16153 | tax |
lamina epithelialis mucosae bronchi
epithelial layer of mucosa of bronchus
7395 | 2931 | tax |
bronchus principalis dexter
right principal bronchus
7397 | 2934 | tax |
bronchus lobaris superior dexter
right superior lobar bronchus
7398 | 2935 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis apicalis pulmonis dextri ; bronchus I pulmonis dextri
apical segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 1 of right lung
7399 | 2936 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis posterior pulmonis dextri ; bronchus II pulmonis dextri
posterior segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 2 of right lung
13271 | 2937 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis anterior pulmonis dextri ; bronchus III pulmonis dextri
anterior segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 3 of right lung
7401 | 2938 | tax |
bronchus lobaris medius
middle lobar bronchus
7402 | 2939 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis lateralis pulmonis dextri ; bronchus IV pulmonis dextri
lateral segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 4 of right lung
7403 | 2940 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis medialis pulmonis dextri ; bronchus V pulmonis dextri
medial segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 5 of right lung
7404 | 2941 | tax |
bronchus lobaris inferior dexter
right inferior lobar bronchus
13273 | 2942 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis superior pulmonis dextri ; bronchus VI pulmonis dextri
superior segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 6 of right lung
13275 | 2943 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis pulmonis dextri ; bronchus VII pulmonis dextri ; bronchus cardiacus pulmonis dextri
medial basal segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 7 of right lung; cardiac bronchus of right lung
13276 | 2944 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior pulmonis dextri ; bronchus VIII pulmonis dextri
anterior basal segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 8 of right lung
13269 | 2945 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis lateralis pulmonis dextri ; bronchus IX pulmonis dextri
lateral basal segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 9 of right lung
13268 | 2946 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior pulmonis dextri ; bronchus X pulmonis dextri
posterior basal segmental bronchus of right lung ; bronchus 10 of right lung
7396 | 2932 | tax |
bronchus principalis sinister
left principal bronchus
7423 | 2947 | tax |
bronchus lobaris superior sinister
left superior lobar bronchus
7425 | 2948 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis apicoposterior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus I-II pulmonis sinistri
apicoposterior segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 1-2 of left lung
7426 | 16157 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis apicalis pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus I pulmonis sinistri
apical segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 1 of left lung
7427 | 16158 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis posterior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus II pulmonis sinistri
posterior segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 2 of left lung
13271 | 2949 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis anterior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus III pulmonis sinistri
anterior segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 3 of left lung
7430 | 2950 | tax |
bronchus lingularis anterior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus IV pulmonis sinistri
anterior lingular bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 4 of left lung
7431 | 2951 | tax |
bronchus lingularis inferior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus V pulmonis sinistri
inferior lingular bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 5 of left lung
7432 | 2952 | tax |
bronchus lobaris inferior sinister
left inferior lobar bronchus
13273 | 2953 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis superior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus VI pulmonis sinistri
superior segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 6 of left lung
68593 | 2954↓ | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus VII pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus cardiacus pulmonis sinistri
medial basal segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 7 of left lung; cardiac bronchus of left lung
13276 | 2955↓ | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus VIII pulmonis sinistri
anterior basal segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 8 of left lung
68590 | 2956 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis lateralis pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus IX pulmonis sinistri
lateral basal segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 9 of left lung
13268 | 2957 | tax |
bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior pulmonis sinistri ; bronchus X pulmonis sinistri
posterior basal segmental bronchus of left lung ; bronchus 10 of left lung
7195 | 2963 | tax |
2963 |
# pulmo
# lung
86151 | 2966 | tax |
basis pulmonis
base of lung
7319 | 2967 | tax |
apex pulmonis
apex of lung
7321 | 2968 | tax |
facies costalis pulmonis
costal surface of lung
7323 | 16159↓ | tax |
facies medialis pulmonis
medial face of lung
2969 |
pars vertebralis
vertebral part
2970 |
pars mediastinalis
mediastinal part
7325 | 2971 | tax |
impressio cardiaca
cardiac impression
7320 | 2972 | tax |
facies diaphragmatica pulmonis
diaphragmatic surface of lung
7327 | 2973 | tax |
facies interlobaris pulmonis
interlobar surface of lung
7328 | 2974 | tax |
margo anterior pulmonis
anterior border of lung
7329 | 2976 | tax |
margo inferior pulmonis
inferior border of lung
7330 | 2977 | tax |
hilum pulmonis
hilum of lung
268155 | 2978 | tax |
radix pulmonis
root of lung
2985 |
vasa sanguinea intrapulmonalia
intrapulmonary bloody vessels
7311 | 16160 | tax |
lobi pulmonis
lobes of lung
16160 |
# lobus pulmonis
# lobe of lung
76495 | 2986 | tax |
segmenta bronchopulmonalia
bronchopulmonary segments
2986 |
# segmentum bronchopulmonale
# bronchopulmonary segment
76497 | 3011 | tax |
bronchioli pulmonis
bronchioli of lung
3011 |
# bronchiolus pulmonis
# bronchiolus of lung
75739 | 3012 | tax |
lobuli pulmonis
lobules of lung
7333 | 2987 | tax | ||||
7383 | 2991 | tax | ||||
7337 | 2994 | tax | ||||
7370 | 3000 | tax | ||||
7371 | 3005 | tax | ||||
7309 | 2965 | tax |
pulmo dexter
right lung
7333 | 2987 | tax |
lobus superior pulmonis dextri
superior lobe of right lung ; upper lobe of right lung
7338 | 2988 | tax |
segmentum apicale pulmonis dextri ; segmentum I pulmonis dextri
apical segment of right lung ; segment 1 of right lung
7339 | 2989 | tax |
segmentum posterius pulmonis dextri ; segmentum II pulmonis dextri
posterior segment of right lung ; segment 2 of right lung
7359 | 2990 | tax |
segmentum anterius pulmonis dextri ; segmentum III pulmonis dextri
anterior segment of right lung ; segment 3 of right lung
7441 | 2984 | tax |
fissura horizontalis pulmonis dextri
horizontal fissure of right lung
7383 | 2991 | tax |
lobus medius pulmonis dextri
middle lobe of right lung
7361 | 2992 | tax |
segmentum laterale pulmonis dextri ; segmentum IV pulmonis dextri
lateral segment of right lung ; segment 4 of right lung
7360 | 2993 | tax |
segmentum mediale pulmonis dextri ; segmentum V pulmonis dextri
medial segment of right lung ; segment 5 of right lung
7439 | 16161 | tax |
fissura obliqua pulmonis dextri
oblique fissure of right lung
7337 | 2994 | tax |
lobus inferior pulmonis dextri
inferior lobe of right lung
7366 | 2995 | tax |
segmentum superius pulmonis dextri ; segmentum VI pulmonis dextri
superior segment of right lung ; segment 6 of right lung
7365 | 2996 | tax |
segmentum basale mediale pulmonis dextri ; segmentum nomen VII pulmonis dextri ; segmentum cardiacum pulmonis dextri
medial basal segment of right lung ; segment 7 of right lung; cardiac segment of right lung
7364 | 2997 | tax |
segmentum basale anterius pulmonis dextri ; segmentum VIII pulmonis dextri
anterior basal segment of right lung ; segment 8 of right lung
7363 | 2998 | tax |
segmentum basale laterale pulmonis dextri ; segmentum IX pulmonis dextri
lateral basal segment of right lung ; segment 9
7362 | 2999 | tax |
segmentum basale posterius pulmonis dextri ; segmentum X pulmonis dextri
posterior basal segment of right lung ; segment 10 of right lung
7310 | 2964 | tax |
pulmo sinister
left lung
7370 | 3000 | tax |
lobus superior pulmonis sinistri
superior lobe of left lung
7372 | 3001 | tax |
segmentum apicoposterius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum I-II pulmonis sinistri
apicoposterior segment of left lung ; segment I-II of left lung
7385 | 16163 | tax |
segmentum apicale pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum I pulmonis sinistri
apical segment of left lung ; segment 1 of left lung
7386 | 16164 | tax |
segmentum posterius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum II pulmonis sinistri
posterior segment of left lung ; segment 2 of left lung
7373 | 3002 | tax |
segmentum anterius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum III pulmonis sinistri
anterior segment of left lung ; segment 3 of left lung
7374 | 3003 | tax |
segmentum lingulare superius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum IV pulmonis sinistri
superior lingular segment of left lung ; segment 4 of left lung
7375 | 3004 | tax |
segmentum lingulare inferius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum V pulmonis sinistri
inferior lingular segment of left lung ; segment 5 of left lung
2975 |
incisura cardiaca pulmonis sinistri
cardiac notch of left lung
7440 | 16162 | tax |
fissura obliqua pulmonis sinistri
oblique fissure of left lung
2980 |
lingula pulmonis sinistri
lingula of left lung
7371 | 3005 | tax |
lobus inferior pulmonis sinistri
inferior lobe of left lung
7376 | 3006 | tax |
segmentum superius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum VI pulmonis sinistri
superior segment of left lung ; segment 6 of left lung
7377 | 3007 | tax |
segmentum basale mediale pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum VII pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum cardiacum pulmonis sinistri
medial basal segment of left lung ; segment 7 of left lung; cardiac segment of left lung
7378 | 3008 | tax |
segmentum basale anterius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum VIII pulmonis sinistri
anterior basal segment of left lung ; segment 8 of left lung
7379 | 3009 | tax |
segmentum basale laterale pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum IX pulmonis sinistri
lateral basal segment of left lung ; segment 9 of left lung
7380 | 3010 | tax |
segmentum basale posterius pulmonis sinistri ; segmentum X pulmonis sinistri
posterior basal segment of left lung ; segment 10 of left lung
16165 | tax |
laminae bronchioli pulmonis
layers of bronchiolus of lung
16167 |
tunica adventitia bronchioli pulmonis
adventitia layer of bronchiolus of lung
16168 |
tunica muscularis bronchioli pulmonis
muscular layer of bronchiolus of lung
16169 |
tunica mucosa bronchioli pulmonis
mucous layer of bronchiolus of lung
86630 | 16170 | tax |
lamina propria mucosae bronchioli pulmonis
proper layer of mucosa of bronchiolus of lung
16171 | tax |
lamina epithelialis mucosae bronchioli pulmonis
epithelial layer of mucosa of bronchiolus of lung
16149 |
arbores alveolares
alveolar trees
16149 |
# arbor alveolaris
# alveolar tree
31782 | 16173 | tax |
bronchioli respiratorii
respiratory bronchioli
75739 | 3012 | tax | ||||
7341 | 16175 | tax |
ductus alveolares
alveolar ducts
77317 | 16176 | tax |
sacculi alveolares
alveolar saccules
7318 | 16177 | tax |
alveoli pulmonales
alveoli of lung
299 lines
77.9 %
74.6 %
26 partial items
409 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
2954 |
Anterior and medial basal segments are often fused in the left lower lobe.
2955 |
See note # 2954
16159 |
The Facies medialis pulmonis is divided into a Pars vertebralis, a Pars mediastinalis and a Cardiac impression following NA3 (1966).
Date: 29.07.2024 |