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Top level | pars principalis organi Short Extended |
Level 2 | zona organi Short Extended |
Current level | zona fasciae internae Short |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:82472 | |
FMA:67619 | |
FMA:55268 | |
FMA:12258 |
zona fasciae internae
Taxonomic list |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
12258 | 15231 |
zona fasciae internae
zone of internal fascia
57969 | 15232 |
zona fasciae abdominis
zone of abdominal fascia
76756 | 1902 | part |
fascia abdominis visceralis
visceral abdominal fascia
18098 | 15233 |
zona fasciae endoabdominalis T4 26 children
zone of endoabdominal fascia
20501 | 15234 |
zona fasciae endoabdominalis densae
zone of dense endoabdominal fascia
12265 | 1911 | part |
fascia transversalis
transverse fascia
18093 | 1872 | part |
fascia diaphragmatica
diaphragmatic fascia
18090 | 1907 | part |
fascia iliopsoatica ; fascia iliaca
iliopsoas fascia; fascia iliaca
18096 | 1908 | part |
pars psoatica fasciae iliopsoaticae
psoatic part of iliopsoas fascia ; psoas fascia
18097 | 1909 | part |
pars iliaca fasciae iliopsoaticae
iliac part of iliopsoas fascia
57861 | 1910 | part |
arcus iliopectinatus
iliopectinate arch
20509 | 2583 | part |
musculus suspensorius duodeni ; ligamentum suspensorium duodeni
suspensory muscle of duodenum ; suspensory ligament of duodenum
77193 | 16090 |
zona musculi suspensorii duodeni
zone of suspensory muscle of duodenum
77194 | 2584 | part |
pars phrenicocoeliaca musculi suspensorii duodeni
phrenicocoeliac part of suspensory muscle of duodenum ▲
77195 | 2585 | part |
pars coeliacoduodenalis musculi suspensorii duodeni
coeliacoduodenal part of suspensory muscle of duodenum ▲
18104 | 3050↓ | part |
fascia renalis
renal fascia
20505 | 15329 |
zona fasciae transversalis
zone of transverse fascia
18095 | 1912 | part |
ligamentum interfoveolare
interfoveolar ligament
18094 | 1913 | part |
tractus iliopubicus
iliopubic tract
76759 | 1914 | part |
fascia umbilicalis
umbilical fascia
76716 | 1903 | part |
fascia propria organi
fascia of individual organ
18082 | 1904 | part |
fascia extraperitonealis
extraperitoneal fascia
1906 | part |
fascia abdominis parietalis ; fascia endoabdominalis
parietal abdominal fascia ; endoabdominal fascia
76760 | 1915 | part |
fascia investiens abdominis T4 3 children
investing abdominal fascia
76761 | 1916 | part |
fascia investiens profunda
investing investing fascia
1917 | part |
fascia investiens intermedia
intermediate investing fascia
76762 | 1918 | part |
fascia investiens superficialis
superficial investing fascia
19725 | 1927 | part |
fascia pelvis ; fascia pelvica
pelvic fascia
19097 | 11025 |
zona fasciae pelvis T4 31 children
zone of pelvic fascia
19100 | 1928 | part |
fascia pelvis visceralis
visceral pelvic fascia
19933 | 1930 | part |
fascia rectoprostatica ♂ ; fascia rectovesicalis ♂
rectoprostatic fascia ♂ ; rectovesical fascia ♂
19934 | 1931 | part |
fascia rectovaginalis ♀ ; septum rectovaginale ♀
rectovaginal fascia ♀ ; rectovaginal septum ♀
19099 | 1934 | part |
fascia parietalis ; fascia endopelvica
parietal fascia ; endopelvic fascia
19131 | 15983 |
zona fasciae parietalis
zone of parietal fascia
19134 | 1938 | part |
fascia musculi piriformis
fascia of piriform muscle
19132 | 1936 | part |
fascia obturata
obturator fascia
19133 | 1939 | part |
fascia superior diaphragmatis pelvis
superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
76765 | 1948 | part |
fascia rectosacralis
rectosacral fascia
76764 | 1947 | part |
fascia presacralis
presacral fascia
77252 | 1937 | part |
arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis
tendinous arch of pelvic fascia ; arcus tendineus levator ani muscle
20455 | 15984 |
fascia endopelvica densa
dense endopelvic fascia
329212 | 1940 |
ligamentum pubovesicale ♂ ; ligamentum mediale puboprostaticum ♂
pubovesical ligament ♂ ; medial puboprostatic ligament ♂
19113 | 1941↓ | part |
ligamentum pubovesicale mediale ♀
medial pubovesical ligament ♀
19110 | 1944↓ | part |
ligamentum pubovesicale laterale ♀
lateral pubovesical ligament ♀
19110 | 1943 |
ligamentum puboprostaticum ♂ ; ligamentum puboprostaticum laterale ♂
puboprostatic ligament ♂ ; lateral puboprostatic ligament ♂
19110 | 11027↓ | part |
ligamentum puboprostaticum laterale ♂
lateral puboprostatic ligament ♂
19113 | 11026↓ | part |
ligamentum puboprostaticum mediale ♂
medial puboprostatic ligament ♂
302735 | 16457 | part |
fascia prostatoseminalis ♂ ; fascia prostatoseminovesicularis ♂
prostatoseminal fascia ♂ ; prostatoseminal vesicular fascia ♂
19111 | 3208 | part |
ligamentum rectouterinum ♀ ; ligamentum uterosacrale ♀
rectouterine ligament ♀ ; uterosacral ligament ♀
17703 |
ligamentum cervicis uteri ♀
ligament of cervix of uterus ♀
19113 | 3206 | part |
ligamentum pubocervicale ♀
pubocervical ligament ♀
77064 | 3207 | part |
ligamentum cardinale ♀ ; ligamentum transversum cervicis uteri ♀
cardinal ligament ♀ ; transverse cervical ligament ♀
19137 | 16455 | part |
fascia prostatica ♂ ; fascia prostatae ♂
prostatic fascia ♂
76766 | 2611 | part |
(fascia precaecocolica )
(precaecocolic fascia ▲)
20484 | 3197 | part |
tunica adventitia uteri ♀ ; parametrium ♀
adventitia of uterus ♀; parametrium ♀
20483 | 3198 | part |
tunica adventitia cervicis uteri ♀ ; paracervix ♀
adventitia of cervix of uterus ♀; paracervix ♀
15317 |
zona fasciae endothoracicae T4 8 children
zone of endothoracic fascia
76755 | 1854 | part |
fascia thoracica
thoracic fascia
71429 | 3717 |
ligamentum sternopericardiacum
sternopericardial ligament
14821 | part |
ligamentum sternopericardiacum superius
superior sternopericardial ligament
15779 | part |
ligamentum sternopericardiacum inferius
inferior sternopericardial ligament
57866 | 3031 | part |
membrana suprapleuralis
suprapleural membrane
57867 | 3032 | part |
fascia phrenicopleuralis
phrenicopleural fascia
63 items
79 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
1941 |
See note # 11026
1944 |
See note # 11026
3050 |
The kidney is covered by a Capsula fibrosa around which the Capsula adiposa (perirenalis) is found. The whole is enclosed with the Fascia renalis, which consists of an anterior layer or Fascia prerenalis and a posterior layer or Fascia retrorenalis. Between the Fascia retrorenalis and the dorsal body wall with the Fascia transversalis, the Corpus adiposum pararenale is found. The Fascia lateroconalis is the peritoneal thickening, which extends anterolaterally from the adjoining merging lateral borders of the prerenal and retrorenal fascia.
11026 |
According to Fritsch et al. (2004 Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Vol 175) these terms are most confusing. In their opinion, there is only one structure, running from the pubic bone to the vesical neck, which mainly consists of smooth muscle cells intermingled with strands of dense connective tissue. They proposed to change these two terms into the term Musculopubovesicalis.
11027 |
See note # 11026
Signature |
Type of list | T3F |
List Unit Identifier | 15231 |
Sublist 1 | 1915 fascia investiens abdominis 3/4 on 26.6.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 11025 zona fasciae pelvis 21/22 on 26.6.2024 |
Invalid signature | 14866 (stored value 1722) |
Error in sublist | Found children 31 Found units 28 |
Sublist 3 | 15233 zona fasciae endoabdominalis 26/17 on 26.6.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 15317 zona fasciae endothoracicae 8/7 on 26.6.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 58 subunits 50 |
Proper children | 10 |
Invalid check | Found children: 78 |
Proper units | 7 |
Invalid check | Found units: 63 |
Invalid signature | 17121 (stored value 5719) |
Date: 25.08.2024 |