Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

phalanges proximales pedis (par)

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Top level systema skeletale Short Extended
Level 2 ossa membri inferioris Short Extended
Level 3 phalanges pedis (par) Short Extended
Current level phalanges proximales pedis (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
75828 1231 tax
phalanges proximales pedis (par)
proximal phalanges of foot (pair)
43252 10900 tax
phalanx proximalis hallucis (par)
proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
base of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
body of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
head of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
17258 tax
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis hallucis (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of great toe (pair)
32618 10901 tax
phalanx proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
base of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
body of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
head of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
17259 tax
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi pedis (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of second toe (pair)
32619 10902 tax
phalanx proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
base of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
body of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
head of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
17260 tax
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii pedis (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of third toe (pair)
32620 10903 tax
phalanx proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
base of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
body of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
head of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
17261 tax
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti pedis (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of fourth toe (pair)
32621 10904 tax
phalanx proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
basis phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
base of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
body of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
caput phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
head of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
17262 tax
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti quinti pedis (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of little toe (pair)
26 lines
96.2 %
96.2 %
Scientific notes
Date: 26.07.2024