Regularly, at fixed points in time, copies of the principal partonomic lists are made in PDF format. This allow to get access to a fresh and stable version of the TNA, where each file can be downloaded and locally stored by any casual user. These files will not reflect the latest update to the terminology, because they are only created when a significant batch of modifications has been realized. For an access to the most recent changes, see the standard HTML files.
Each list presents two left columns pointing to external websites. The leftmost column points to a FMA website when an equivalent entity has been found in this database; in absence of a pointer, it means that no matching entity has been found. The second column points to the TA98 Fribourg website each time that the current entity was already existing in TA98; in absence of a pointer, it means that no matching entity has been found. Finally, to the left of the footer of the list, a link to the present list is provided, allowing to check for a possible updated version, to be distinguished by the date to the right of the footer.
The entire TNA can be visualized under the form of partonomic lists, under a top level entity named TNA. The subsidiary language is English, French, Spanish or Russian. Latin is always present as the main language. In addition, a 5-language presentation is available. Select any file by clicking its corresponding date of publication. When the date is in parentheses, the file has not yet been validated. A particular file may be withpout date, meaning it is currently not available.
The following sections are presented:
corresponds to the neuraxis specified by 9 sections from telencephalon to spinal cord, plus 3 sections on meninges, white matter tracts and ventricular system.
corresponds to cranial nerves, spinal nerves, plexus of somatic nerve and autonomic division.
corresponds to the four sense organs: olfactory, visual, auditory and gustatory.
corresponds to the sections of the cardiovascular system that irrigate the central nervous system.
The large bulb icon, on the right of the title, gives access to the Help on Published Lists. Such a document provides all the necessary information to access and navigate the lists.
système nerveux central
Section |
Anglais |
Français |
Espagnol |
Russe |
5 languages |
méninges |
31.07.2021 |
31.07.2021 |
31.07.2021 |
31.07.2021 |
31.07.2021 |
télencephale |
14.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
hypothalamus |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
diencéphale |
29.08.2021 15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
mésencéphale |
31.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
cervelet |
30.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
rhombencéphale rostral |
31.08.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
pont |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
16.08.2021 |
rhombencéphale caudal |
03.09.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
17.08.2021 |
moelle épinière |
28.08.2021 |
12.08.2021 |
13.08.2021 |
13.08.2021 |
13.08.2021 |
voie |
29.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
14.08.2021 |
système ventriculaire |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
système nerveux périphérique
Section |
Anglais |
Français |
Espagnol |
Russe |
5 languages |
division des nerfs craniaux |
19.11.2021 |
27.11.2021 |
09.11.2021 |
10.11.2021 |
xx.xx.xxxx |
division des nerfs spinaux |
03.09.2021 |
27.11.2021 |
12.11.2021 |
12.11.2021 |
xx.xx.xxxx |
plexus des nerfs somatiques |
03.09.2021 |
27.11.2021 |
17.11.2021 |
17.11.2021 |
xx.xx.xxxx |
division autonome |
03.12.2021 |
27.11.2021 |
18.11.2021 |
18.11.2021 |
xx.xx.xxxx |
organes des sens
Section |
Anglais |
Français |
Espagnol |
Russe |
5 languages |
organe olfactif |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
04.10.2021 |
04.10.2021 |
organe visuel |
01.09.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
22.02.2022 |
04.10.2021 |
22.02.2022 |
organe vestibulocochléaire |
01.09.2021 |
31.08.2021 |
02.10.2021 15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
organe gustatif |
04.09.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
15.08.2021 |
04.10.2021 |
04.10.2021 |
vaisseaux cérébraux
Section |
Anglais |
Français |
Espagnol |
Russe |
5 languages |
système artériel cérébrospinal |
31.08.2021 25.11.2019 |
11.08.2021 |
11.08.2021 |
11.08.2021 |
11.08.2021 |
système veineux cérébrospinal |
30.08.2021 21.11.2019 |
11.08.2021 |
11.08.2021 |
11.08.2021 |
11.08.2021 |