Testing the languages

Tests of the languages

This page gives access to a collection of tests applied to the languages. The battery of tests will be progressively developed. There are three groups of tests: tests by category of words, tests by type of generated terms and tests by universal procedure.

The tests per category of words has two branches; the tests of nouns and the tests of adjectives. All these tests are exhaustive in the sense that all words of the category are tested. This means that all words found in the generated terms of the terminology are necessarily tested. All tests are realized on a rules and exceptions basis: this means that each word is checked against a list of exceptions and if not an exception is processed by application of a ordered set of rules. More details about this process are available in the general documentation.

The Latin tests in the contrary of other languages are double tests: the test are performed simultaneously using the rule based system like other languages and through a lookup of the Latin dictionary. The two answers must be identical. If not, an error message is displayed.

There are two tests of nouns: a test for the gender and a test for the plural. Potentially a test for the genitive is expected for the languages where the genitive is different of the nominative. The tests define the gender or the plural from the word termination according to the rules applied in a predefined order.

There are three tests of adjectives: a test for the gender, a test for the plural and a test for the genitive wherever if applies.

The tests by type of generated terms contain five different tests.

The test without expansion is for terms with only the basic part and no specified expansion.

The test with mandatory expansion is for terms which have a mandatory expansion.

The test with optional expansion is for terms which have an optional expansion.

The test with adjective expansion is for terms which have an adjective expansion.

The test for lateral adjective is about the generation of terms for the left and right members of a pair or pset. In the presence of expansions, this process must determine where the lateral adjective is applied, in fact it is always the rightmost pair in the order of expansions which receives the lateral adjective, without exception in all languages.

Finally, there is a specific test for each of universal procedure in all languages.

Any test is dependent on its date of execution, as shown at the right bottom of its presentation page. The tests will be periodically refreshed in concordance with the latest updates of the website and its generating software. When reading a test page, it is important to check for the date of execution.

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Tests per word category






Gender of nouns

Plural of nouns

Genitive of nouns

Gender of adjectives

Plural of adjectives

Genitive of adjectives

Tests per type of generated term






Terms without expansion

Terms with mandatory expansion

Terms with optional expansion

Terms with adjective expansion

Terms with lateral adjective

Tests per universal procedure










