Identification |
Official Latin term | arteria cerebri media (par) |
Official subsidiary term | middle cerebral artery (pair) |
Unit identifier | TAH:U3992 |
Unit type | pair |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | A middle cerebral artery is a branch of ophthalmic part of internal carotid artery of internal carotid artery [ramus partis ophthalmicae arteriae carotis internae arteriae carotis internae ] which lies in the lateral sulcus [sulcus lateralis hemispherii cerebri ] between the frontal lobe [lobus frontalis ] and the temporal lobe [lobus temporalis ]. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U5062 | |
TAH:U9025 | |
TAH:U10381 | |
TAH:U3947 | |
TAH:U8891 | |
TAH:U3992 | arteria cerebri media (par) |
TAH:U3993 |
TAH:U3994 |
TAH:U3995 | |
TAH:U3996 |
TAH:U3997 | |
TAH:U3998 |
TAH:U8930 |
TAH:U3999 |
TAH:U4000 |
TAH:U8931 | |
TAH:U8932 |
TAH:U4001 |
TAH:U4002 | |
TAH:U4003 | |
TAH:U4004 | |
TAH:U4005 | |
TAH:U4006 |
TAH:U4007 |
TAH:U4008 | |
TAH:U4009 | |
TAH:U4010 | |
TAH:U4011 | |
TAH:U4012 | |
TAH:U4013 | |
TAH:U4014 |
Total |
25 children
Taxonomy |
Date: 10.06.2022 |