Identification |
Official Latin term | pulmones |
Official subsidiary term | lungs |
Unit identifier | TAH:U2963 |
Unit type | unit type set |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | A lung is a lobular organ [organum lobulare ] which carries out gas exchange between air and blood, located in the thoracic cavity [cavitas thoracis]. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U2765 | |
TAH:U2963 | pulmones |
TAH:U2985 | |
TAH:U16160 |
TAH:U2987 | |
TAH:U2991 | |
TAH:U2994 | |
TAH:U3000 | |
TAH:U3005 |
TAH:U2965 |
TAH:U2987 |
TAH:U2988 | |
TAH:U2989 | |
TAH:U2990 |
TAH:U2984 | |
TAH:U2991 |
TAH:U2992 | |
TAH:U2993 |
TAH:U16161 | |
TAH:U2994 |
TAH:U2995 | |
TAH:U2996 | |
TAH:U2997 | |
TAH:U2998 | |
TAH:U2999 |
TAH:U2964 |
TAH:U3000 |
TAH:U3001 |
TAH:U16163 | |
TAH:U16164 |
TAH:U3002 | |
TAH:U3003 | |
TAH:U3004 |
TAH:U2975 | |
TAH:U16162 | |
TAH:U2980 | |
TAH:U3005 |
TAH:U3006 | |
TAH:U3007 | |
TAH:U3008 | |
TAH:U3009 | |
TAH:U3010 |
TAH:U16165 |
TAH:U16167 | |
TAH:U16168 | |
TAH:U16169 |
TAH:U16170 | |
TAH:U16171 |
TAH:U16149 |
Total |
47 children
Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:67498 | |
FMA:55670 | |
FMA:55661 | |
FMA:55662 | |
FMA:7195 | pulmo |
TAH2965 | |
TAH2964 |
Total |
2 children
Date: 08.10.2023 |