Identification |
Official Latin term | plica fimbriata linguae |
Official subsidiary term | fimbriated fold of tongue |
Unit identifier | TAH:U2410 |
Unit type | single |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | The fimbriated fold of tongue is a zone of inferior surface of tongue [zona faciei inferioris linguae ] which is running posteriorly and laterally from the anterior extremity of the frenulum of the tongue. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U2275 | |
TAH:U2276 | |
TAH:U2403 | |
TAH:U2409 | |
TAH:U2410 | plica fimbriata linguae SOS |
Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:82472 | |
FMA:67619 | |
FMA:55268 | |
FMA:54643 | |
FMA:54663 | |
FMA:54666 | |
FMA:54656 | plica fimbriata linguae |
Date: 31.05.2024 |