Identification |
Official Latin term | dentes permanentes (par) |
Official subsidiary term | permanent teeth (pair) |
Unit identifier | TAH:U2401 |
Unit type | pair set |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Taxonomic definition |
Taxonomic definition | A permanent tooth is a dentition [dentitio ] which is a collection of 32 teeth constituting the second and final set of teeth in adults. |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
corpus humanum
TAH:U2325 | |
TAH:U15921 | |
TAH:U2401 | dentes permanentes (par) |
TAH:U15922 |
TAH:U15926 |
TAH:U15927 | |
TAH:U15928 |
TAH:U15929 | |
TAH:U15930 |
TAH:U15931 | |
TAH:U15932 |
TAH:U15933 |
TAH:U15934 | |
TAH:U15936 | |
TAH:U15937 |
TAH:U15923 |
TAH:U15961 |
TAH:U15962 | |
TAH:U15963 |
TAH:U15964 | |
TAH:U15965 |
TAH:U15966 | |
TAH:U15967 |
TAH:U15968 |
TAH:U15969 | |
TAH:U15970 | |
TAH:U15971 |
TAH:U2328 | |
TAH:U2329 | |
TAH:U2330 | |
TAH:U2331 |
Total |
28 children
Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:7149 | |
FMA:75150 | |
FMA:75152 | dens permanens |
TAH15923 | |
TAH15922 |
Total |
2 children
Date: 06.02.2024 |