Page of language test in Latin, work in progress

Test of UnivGender

SECTION label or identifier value or descriptive text
Test of universal procedure UnivGender
5 entries
4871 A1 capsula splenica
Generic single term capsula splenica. The base term is made of a feminine noun to which an adjective is added.
2535 A3 fornix gastricus
Generic single term fornix gastricus. The base term is made of a masculine noun to which an adjective is added.
2537 A3 corpus gastricum
Generic single term corpus gastricum. The base term is made of a neuter noun to which an adjective is added.
1912 A3 ligamentum interfoveolare
Generic term of a pair unit ligamentum interfoveolare. The base term is made of a neuter noun to which a prefixed adjective is added.
16264 A3 stratum musculare longitudinale externum pelvis renalis
Generic term of a pair unit stratum musculare longitudinale externum. The base term is made of a neuter noun to which three adjectives are added, followed by a mandatory expansion on pelvis renalis.
result all tests succesful
Date: 26.01.2024