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Top level | cardinal part of organ Short Extended |
Level 2 | organ component Short Extended |
Current level | tendon |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:82472 | |
FMA:14065 | |
FMA:9721 |
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
9721 | 1667 |
38152 | 10651 |
tendon of biceps muscle of arm
tendo musculi bicipitis brachii
63221 | 10652 |
proximal tendon of biceps muscle of arm
tendo proximalis musculi bicipitis brachii
38153 | 10717 |
tendon of long head of biceps muscle of arm
tendo capitis longi musculi bicipitis brachii
14503 | part |
intertubercular tendon
tendo intertubercularis
14504 |
tendon of upper limb
tendo membri superioris
14506 |
tendon of flexor muscle
tendo musculorum flexorum
14505 |
tendon of lower limb
tendo membri inferioris
14951 |
tendon of fingers of foot
tendo digitorum pedis
14952 |
tendon of anterior tibial muscle
tendo musculi tibialis anterioris
14953 |
tendon of long extensor muscle of great toe
tendo musculi extensoris hallucis longi
14954 |
tendon of long extensor muscle of finger of foot
tendo musculi extensoris digitorum longi
77267 | 2165 | part |
tendinous arch of soleal muscle
arcus tendineus musculi solei
49066 | 7047 | part |
tendinous sheath of superior oblique muscle
vagina tendinis musculi obliqui superioris
20275 | 1893 | part |
inguinal falx ; conjoint tendon
falx inguinalis ; tendo conjunctivus
15256 |
tendon of digastric muscle
tendo musculi digastrici
15240 | part |
intermediate tendon of digastric muscle
tendo intermedius musculi digastrici
38582 | 14507 | part |
tendon of radial flexor muscle of wrist
tendo musculi flexoris carpi radialis
38624 | 14510 | part |
distal tendon of superficial flexor muscle of finger of hand
tendo distalis musculi flexoris digitorum manus superficialis
14511 | part |
tendon of index finger
tendo digiti secundi
14512 | part |
tendon of third finger
tendo digiti tertii
14513 | part |
tendon of ring finger
tendo digiti quarti
14514 | part |
tendon of little finger
tendo digiti minimi
301080 | 14515↓ | part |
distal tendon of deep flexor muscle of finger of hand
tendo distalis musculi flexoris digitorum manus profundi
42549 | 14516 | part |
tendon of index finger of deep flexor muscle of finger of hand
tendo digiti secundi musculi flexoris digitorum manus profundi
42550 | 14517 | part |
tendon of third finger of deep flexor muscle of finger of hand
tendo digiti tertii musculi flexoris digitorum manus profundi
42551 | 14518 | part |
tendon of ring finger of deep flexor muscle of finger of hand
tendo digiti quarti musculi flexoris digitorum manus profundi
42552 | 14519 | part |
tendon of little finger of deep flexor muscle of finger of hand
tendo digiti minimi musculi flexoris digitorum manus profundi
38673 | 14508 | part |
tendon of long flexor muscle of thumb
tendo musculi flexoris longi pollicis
40734 | 14526 | part |
distal tendon of superficial extensor muscle of finger of hand
tendo distalis musculi extensoris digitorum manus superficialis
49221 | 15259 | part |
tendon of index finger
tendo digiti secundi
49222 | 15260 | part |
tendon of third finger
tendo digiti tertii
49223 | 15261 | part |
tendon of ring finger
tendo digiti quarti
49224 | 15262 | part |
tendon of little finger
tendo digiti minimi
40749 | 14525 | part |
tendon of extensor muscle of little finger
tendo musculi extensoris digiti minimi
40764 | 14520 | part |
tendon of ulnar extensor muscle of wrist
tendo musculi extensoris carpi ulnaris
40794 | 14524 | part |
tendon of long extensor muscle of thumb
tendo musculi extensoris pollicis longi
40769 | 15229 | part |
tendon of long abductor muscle of thumb
tendo musculi abductoris pollicis longi
40809 | 15294 | part |
tendon of short extensor muscle of thumb
tendo musculi extensoris pollicis brevis
58279 | 1868 | part |
central tendon
centrum tendineum
65410 | 15255 | part |
intermediate tendon of omohyoid muscle
tendo intermedius musculi omohyoidei
41 items
98 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
14515 |
The individual tendons of the musculus flexor digitorum profundus have been added.
Signature |
Type of list | T3 |
List Unit Identifier | 1667 |
Subtotals | subchildren 0 subunits 0 |
Proper children | 97 |
Number of children | 97 (validated) |
Proper units | 41 |
Number of units | 41 (validated) |
Signature | 16995 (validated since 3.6.2024) |
Date: 18.08.2024 |