Taxonomic list T4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

subserous canvas

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Top level cardinal part of organ Short Extended
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Level 3 organ component layer Short Extended
Current level subserous canvas
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
45636 16036
subserous canvas
tela subserosa
85412 16423
subserous canvas of organ
tela subserosa organi
14913 2545 part
subserosa of stomach; subserous layer of stomach
tela subserosa gastris
14937 2561 part
subserosa of small intestine; subserous layer of small intestine
tela subserosa intestini tenuis
62997 2516 part
subserosa of oesophagus; subserous layer of oesophagus
tunica subserosa oesophagi
77296 3287 part
subserosa of testis ♂; subserous layer of testis ♂
tela subserosa testis ♂
20423 3200 part
subserosa of uterus ♀; subserous layer of uterus ♀
tela subserosa uteri ♀
18317 3173 part
subserosa of uterine tube ♀; subserous layer of uterine tube ♀
tela subserosa tubae uterinae ♀
77098 3451 part
subserosa of peritoneum; subserous layer of peritoneum
tela subserosa peritonei
76656 3017 part
subserosa of visceral pleura; subserous layer of visceral pleura
tela subserosa pleurae visceralis
75367 3024 part
subserosa of parietal pleura; subserous layer of parietal pleura
tela subserosa pleurae parietalis
323045 16408 part
subserous muscular layer
stratum musculare subserosum
12 items
20 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Tunica subserosa is only present in the abdominal part of the oesophagus.
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 16036
Invalid check Found children: 19
Invalid check Found units: 12
Invalid signature 20041 (stored value 2418)
Date: 18.08.2024