Taxonomic list T4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

zone of pelvic fascia

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Level 3 zone of internal fascia Short Extended
Current level zone of pelvic fascia
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
19097 11025
zone of pelvic fascia
zona fasciae pelvis
19100 1928 part
visceral pelvic fascia
fascia pelvis visceralis
19933 1930 part
rectoprostatic fascia ♂ ; rectovesical fascia ♂
fascia rectoprostatica ♂ ; fascia rectovesicalis ♂
19934 1931 part
rectovaginal fascia ♀ ; rectovaginal septum ♀
fascia rectovaginalis ♀ ; septum rectovaginale ♀
19099 1934 part
parietal fascia ; endopelvic fascia
fascia parietalis ; fascia endopelvica
19131 15983
zone of parietal fascia
zona fasciae parietalis
19134 1938 part
fascia of piriform muscle
fascia musculi piriformis
19132 1936 part
obturator fascia
fascia obturata
19133 1939 part
superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
fascia superior diaphragmatis pelvis
76765 1948 part
rectosacral fascia
fascia rectosacralis
76764 1947 part
presacral fascia
fascia presacralis
77252 1937 part
tendinous arch of pelvic fascia ; arcus tendineus levator ani muscle
arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis
20455 15984
dense endopelvic fascia
fascia endopelvica densa
329212 1940
pubovesical ligament ♂ ; medial puboprostatic ligament ♂
ligamentum pubovesicale ♂ ; ligamentum mediale puboprostaticum ♂
19113 1941 part
medial pubovesical ligament ♀
ligamentum pubovesicale mediale ♀
19110 1944 part
lateral pubovesical ligament ♀
ligamentum pubovesicale laterale ♀
19110 1943
puboprostatic ligament ♂ ; lateral puboprostatic ligament ♂
ligamentum puboprostaticum ♂ ; ligamentum puboprostaticum laterale ♂
19110 11027 part
lateral puboprostatic ligament ♂
ligamentum puboprostaticum laterale ♂
19113 11026 part
medial puboprostatic ligament ♂
ligamentum puboprostaticum mediale ♂
302735 16457 part
prostatoseminal fascia ♂ ; prostatoseminal vesicular fascia ♂
fascia prostatoseminalis ♂ ; fascia prostatoseminovesicularis ♂
19111 3208 part
rectouterine ligament ♀ ; uterosacral ligament ♀
ligamentum rectouterinum ♀ ; ligamentum uterosacrale ♀
ligament of cervix of uterus ♀
ligamentum cervicis uteri ♀
19113 3206 part
pubocervical ligament ♀
ligamentum pubocervicale ♀
77064 3207 part
cardinal ligament ♀ ; transverse cervical ligament ♀
ligamentum cardinale ♀ ; ligamentum transversum cervicis uteri ♀
19137 16455 part
prostatic fascia ♂
fascia prostatica ♂ ; fascia prostatae ♂
76766 2611 part
(precaecocolic fascia ▲)
(fascia precaecocolica )
20484 3197 part
adventitia of uterus ♀; parametrium ♀
tunica adventitia uteri ♀ ; parametrium ♀
20483 3198 part
adventitia of cervix of uterus ♀; paracervix ♀
tunica adventitia cervicis uteri ♀ ; paracervix ♀
28 items
32 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
See note # 11026
See note # 11026
According to Fritsch et al. (2004 Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Vol 175) these terms are most confusing. In their opinion, there is only one structure, running from the pubic bone to the vesical neck, which mainly consists of smooth muscle cells intermingled with strands of dense connective tissue. They proposed to change these two terms into the term Musculopubovesicalis.
See note # 11026
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 11025
Invalid check Found children: 31
Invalid check Found units: 28
Invalid signature 14866 (stored value 1722)
Date: 18.08.2024