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Top level | anatomical complex Short Extended |
Level 2 | complex of parts of organ Short Extended |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:49443 | |
FMA:64990 |
complex of parts of organ
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
64990 | 10805 |
complex of parts of organ
complexus partium organi
14462 | 10861 |
complex of regions of organ
complexus regionum organi
69050 | 14016 |
14017 |
vasculature of cardinal part of organ
vascula partis principalis organi
14018 |
vascula componentis organi neuraxis
77841 | 7348 | part |
vas spirale
vas spirale cochleae
302805 | 14634 |
region of wall of middle ear
regio parietis auris mediae
77646 | 7181↓ | part |
mastoid wall of middle ear ; posterior wall
paries mastoideus auris mediae
77679 | 7192 | part |
carotid wall ; anterior wall
paries caroticus
61010 | 7193 | part |
membranous wall ; lateral wall
paries membranaceus
63259 | 15307↓ | part |
common flexor tendon
tendo flexorius communis
326751 | 14554 | part |
common extensor tendon
tendo extensorius communis
54549 | 2295 | part |
55023 | 2296 | part |
hard palate
palatum durum
293371 | 11261 |
region of hard palate
regio palati duri
55021 | 2440 | part |
soft palate ; palatal velum
palatum molle ; velum palatinale
293461 | 22529 |
region of soft palate
regio palati mollis
55022 | 2441 | part |
uvula of palate
uvula palatinalis
52590 | 6357 | part |
cauda equina
cauda equina
76628 | 338 | part |
external table of calvaria
lamina externa calvariae
76629 | 341 | part |
internal table of calvaria
lamina interna calvariae
77677 | 8190↓ | part |
wall of middle ear
paries auris mediae
77247 | 1790 | part |
aponeurosis of erector muscle of spine
aponeurosis musculi erectoris spinae
7449 | part |
thoracolumbar aponeurosis
aponeurosis thoracolumbalis
77248 | 1791 | part |
intermuscular septum of erector muscle of spine
septum intermusculare musculi erectoris spinae
311256 | 15274↓ | part |
pes anserinus
pes anserinus
46900 | 15275 | part |
tendon of quadriceps muscle of thigh
tendo musculi quadricipitis femoris
55024 | 2442 | part |
palatoglossal arch ; palatopharyngeal fold; anterior pillar of fauces
arcus palatoglossus ; plica anterior faucium
55025 | 2444 | part |
palatopharyngeal arch ; palatopharyngeal fold; posterior pillar of fauces
arcus palatopharyngeus ; plica posterior faucium
268155 | 2978 | part |
root of lung
radix pulmonis
54375 | 2785 | part |
nasal septum
septum nasi
77197 | 2786 | part |
membranous part of nasal septum
pars membranacea septi nasi
2787 | part |
cartilaginous part of nasal septum
pars cartilaginea septi nasi
2788 | part |
osseous part of nasal septum
pars ossea septi nasi
59595 | 2774 | part |
mobile part of nasal septum
pars mobilis septi nasi
19937 | 3310 | part |
spermatic cord ♂
funiculus spermaticus ♂
32419 | 16498 |
neurovascular bundle
fasciculus neurovascularis
32419 | 16456 | part |
prostatic neurovascular bundle ♂
fasciculus neurovascularis prostatae ♂
317343 | 14271 |
dental alveolus
alveolus dentalis
42603 | 10862 |
complex of organ component
complexus componentis organi
37018 | 14460 | part |
musculotendinous cuff ; rotator cuff
cuffia musculotendinea ; manica rotatoria
65239 | 10312 |
peripheral nerve T3 80 children
nervus peripheralis
329291 | 14779 |
complex of component of organ of heart
complexus componentis organi cordis
77435 | 3643 | part |
trigone of atrioventricular node
trigonum nodi atrioventricularis
77262 | 2079 | part |
gluteal aponeurosis
aponeurosis glutea
30318 | 10774 |
complex of fascia
complexus fasciae
76623 | 315 | part |
pericranium ; periosteum externum cranii
77671 | 7037 | part |
muscular fascia of eyeball
fascia muscularis globi oculi
317186 | 10314 |
complex of component of bone
complexus componentis ossis
59351 | 7031 | part |
periorbit ; periorbita
49071 | 7044 | part |
common tendinous ring ; common anular tendon
anulus tendineus communis
77251 | 1897 | part |
posterior attachment of linea alba
adminiculum lineae albae
52 items
86 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
7181 |
The paries mastoideus shows three bony eminences, each giving rise to a ridge: (a) the eminentia pyramidalis; (b) the eminentia chordae tympani; and (c) the eminentia styloidea.
8190 |
For the paries auris mediae, several new terms have been added giving credit to clinical findings (from Mansour S. Magnan J, Ahmad Hh, Nicolas K, Louryan S 2019 Comprehensive and Clinical Anatomy of the Middle Ear, 2nd ed. Springer, Cham).
15274 |
The pes anserinus is the common insertion of the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus muscles.
15307 |
The tendo flexorius communis is the common tendon for the superficial flexors of the forearm coming from the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The musculus flexor digitorum superficialis separates into superficial and deep parts, giving rise to tendons to the 3rd and 4th, and 2nd and 5th fingers, respectively. These tendons have been included.
Signature |
Type of list | T2 |
List Unit Identifier | 10805 |
Sublist 1 | 10312 nervus peripheralis 80/29 on 19.9.2021 |
Subtotals | subchildren 80 subunits 29 |
Proper children | 82 |
Invalid number of children | Found children: 165 |
Check | Sublist children: 80 |
Proper units | 50 |
Invalid number of units | Found units: 79 |
Check | Found units: 29 |
Invalid signature | 16856 ( 12.7.2024) |
Date: 18.08.2024 |