Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: ES, interface: EN, work in progress

insula (par)

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 telencephalon Short Extended
Current level insula (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short Spanish equivalent
67329 6030
insula (par)
islot (par)
274526 6031 tax
gyri insulae (par)
circunvolunciones del islot (par)
67555 6032 tax
gyri longi insulae (par)
circunvolunciones largas del islot (par)
274723 11498 tax
gyrus longus anterior insulae (par)
circunvolunción larga anterior del islot (par)
274729 11508 tax
gyrus longus posterior insulae (par)
circunvolunción larga posterior del islot (par)
61913 6033 tax
gyri breves insulae (par)
circunvolunciones cortas del islot (par)
274705 11509 tax
gyrus brevis anterior insulae (par)
circunvolunción corta anterior del islot (par)
274711 11510 tax
gyrus brevis medius insulae (par)
circunvolunción corta media del islot (par)
274717 11511 tax
gyrus brevis posterior insulae (par)
circunvolunción corta posterior del islot (par)
12167 tax
gyrus transversus insulae (par)
circunvolunción transversa del islot (par)
61915 11513 tax
gyrus accessorius anterior insulae (par)
circunvolunción accesoria anterior del islot (par)
83753 6035 tax
sulcus circularis insulae (par) ; sulcus periinsularis (par)
surco circular del islot (par) ; surco periínsular (par)
83779 6034 tax
sulcus centralis superior insulae (par)
surco central superior del islot (par)
75266 6036 tax
limen insulae (par)
limen del islot (par)
regio peripaleocorticalis claustralis (par)
región peripaleocortical claustral (par)
15 lines
80.0 %
80.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
See note # 9188
The Insula is composed of three Belt regions (see Mesulam M-M and Mufson EJ (1985 The insula of Reil in man and monkey. Architectonics, connectivity and function. In: Peters A, Jones EG, eds, Cerebral Cortex, Vol 4, Plenum Press, New York, pp 179-226): 1) The Cortex insularis agranularis (Agranular insular cortex, where Layers II and IV are lacking) in the Anterior insula is characterized by a Superficial pyramidal layer and an Inner cell layer, continuous with the Pyramidal layer of the Piriform cortex. Here, the recently rediscovered von Economo neurons (VENs) are found (see Allman JM, Tetreault NA, Hakeem AY, et al. 2011 The von Economo neurons in fronto-insular and anterior cingulate cortex. Ann NY Acad Sci 1225:59-71). 2) The Cortex insularis dysgranularis (Dysgranular insular cortex), a Proisocortical region characterized by the presence of an inconspicuous Inner granular layer IV. Layers V and VI are also not as clearly separated from each other as in true isocortex. 3) The Cortex insularis granularis (Granular insular cortex), a posterior granular region with clearly visible Inner (layer IV) and Outer (layer II) granular layers (True isocortex; see also Zilles and Amunts 2012).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 6030
Number of children 44 (validated)
Number of units 15 (validated)
Signature 23596 (validated since 27.3.2019)
Date: 29.07.2024