Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nuclei precerebellares rhombencephali rostralis (par)

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 rhombencephalon rostrale Short Extended
Current level nuclei precerebellares rhombencephali rostralis (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
8390 tax
nuclei precerebellares rhombencephali rostralis (par)
precerebellar nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
72471 5541 tax
nucleus reticulotegmentalis (par)
reticulotegmental nucleus (pair)
77221 5535
nucleus supralemniscalis (par)
supralemniscal nucleus (pair)
8366 tax
nuclei rostrales tractus paramediani (par)
rostral paramedian tract nuclei (pair)
8367 tax
nucleus supragenualis (par)
supragenual nucleus (pair) ; paramedian tract cell group 3 (pair)
8368 tax
cupula rostralis nuclei nervi abducentis (par)
rostral cap of nucleus of abducens nerve (pair); paramedian tract cell group 4a (pair)
8369 tax
subnucleus dorsalis nuclei raphes pontis (par)
dorsal subnucleus of pontine raphe nucleus (pair) ; paramedian tract cell group 5b + 5c (pair)
77775 5523 tax
nucleus intrafascicularis (par)
intrafascicular nucleus (pair) ; paramedian tract cell group 5a (pair)
8370 tax
cellulae pontinae medianae dorsales (par)
dorsal midline pontine cells (pair); paramedian tract cell group 6s (pair)
9 lines
55.6 %
55.6 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8390
Number of children 26 (validated)
Number of units 9 (validated)
Signature 567 (validated since 29.12.2021)
Date: 07.02.2025