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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | systema respiratorium Short Extended |
Current level | nasus Extended |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
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Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
46472 | 2766 | tax |
59515 | 16105 | tax |
nasus externus
external nose
59516 | 2767 | tax |
radix nasi
root of nose
59517 | 2768 | tax |
dorsum nasi
dorsum of nose
59518 | 2769 | tax |
apex nasi
apex of nose ; tip of nose
59519 | 2770 | tax |
ala nasi (par)
ala of nose (pair)
2771 | tax |
cartilagines nasi
nasal cartilages
59504 | 2772 | tax |
cartilago alaris major (par)
major alar cartilage (pair)
59544 | 2773 | tax |
crus mediale (par)
medial crus (pair)
59595 | 2774 | tax |
pars mobilis septi nasi (par)
mobile part of nasal septum (pair)
59547 | 2775 | tax |
crus laterale (par)
lateral crus (pair)
71705 | 2776 | tax |
cartilagines alares minores (par)
minor alar cartilages (pair)
71706 | 2777 | tax |
cartilagines nasi accessoriae (par)
accessory nasal cartilages (pair)
59503 | 2778 | tax |
cartilago septi nasi
septal nasal cartilage
59579 | 2779 | tax |
processus lateralis
lateral process
59580 | 2780 | tax |
processus posterior ; processus sphenoidalis
posterior process ; sphenoidal process
59514 | 2781 | tax |
cartilago vomeronasalis
vomeronasal cartilage
54375 | 2785 | tax |
septum nasi
nasal septum
77197 | 2786 | tax |
pars membranacea septi nasi
membranous part of nasal septum
2787 | tax |
pars cartilaginea septi nasi
cartilaginous part of nasal septum
2788 | tax |
pars ossea septi nasi
osseous part of nasal septum
77280 | 2789 | tax |
organum vomeronasale
vomeronasal organ
77282 | 2814 | tax |
(ductus incisivus (par) )
(incisive duct (pair) )
16106 |
paries lateralis cavitatis nasi (par)
lateral wall of nasal cavity (pair)
59686 | 2791 | tax |
limen nasi (par)
limen nasi (pair)
59766 | 2802 | tax |
agger nasi (par)
agger nasi (pair)
83769 | 2792 | tax |
sulcus olfactorius (par)
olfactory groove (pair)
57456 | 11222 | tax |
conchae nasi (par)
conchae of nose (pair)
57457 | 633 | tax | ||||
57458 | 634 | tax | ||||
57459 | 635 | tax | ||||
57487 | 636 | tax | ||||
54736 | 640 | tax | ||||
76586 | 2797 |
plexus cavernosus concharum nasi
cavernous plexus of conchae of nose
75057 | 639 | tax | ||||
75769 | 638 | tax | ||||
57758 | 676 | tax | ||||
16107 |
laminae cavitatis nasi
layers of nasal cavity
59684 | 2798 | tax |
tunica mucosa nasi (par)
mucosa of nasal cavity (pair); mucous membrane of nasal cavity (pair)
16110 | tax |
pars vestibularis mucosae nasi
vestibular part of mucosa of nose
77198 | 2799 | tax |
pars respiratoria mucosae nasi (par)
respiratory part of mucosa of nose (pair)
321518 | 2801 | tax |
glandulae nasales (par)
nasal glands (pair)
263248 | 16111 | tax |
lamina propria mucosae nasi
proper layer of mucosa of nose
16112 | tax |
lamina epithelialis mucosae nasi
epithelial layer of mucosa of nose
16108 |
paries superior cavitatis nasi
superior wall of nasal cavity
77199 | 2800 | tax |
pars olfactoria mucosae nasi (par)
olfactory part of mucosa of nose (pair) ; olfactory region of mucosa of nose (pair)
9313 | ||||||
54378 | 2782 | tax |
cavitas nasi (par) P3 13 children
nasal cavity (pair)
2815 | tax |
sinus paranasales P3 14 children
paranasal sinuses
59644 | 2790 | tax |
vestibulum nasi (par)
nasal vestibule (pair)
50 lines
80.0 %
62.0 %
Scientific notes |
Date: 29.07.2024 |