Partonomy list P3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

complexus valvaris cordis

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Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
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Current level complexus valvaris cordis Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
14862 tax
complexus valvaris cordis
valvar complex of heart
9496 14863 tax
fibrous skeleton of heart
83467 14869 tax
centrum fibrosum cordis
fibrous centre of heart
9505 3638 tax
trigonum fibrosum dextrum
right fibrous trigone
77125 3640 tax
anulus fibrosus dexter
right fibrous ring
9501 15764 tax
fila coronaria dextra
right coronary cords
327355 15788 tax
pars membranacea septi atrioventricularis
membranous part of atrioventricular septum
7135 3628 tax
pars membranacea septi interventricularis
membranous part of interventricular septum
9503 15773 tax
anulus trunci pulmonalis
ring of pulmonary trunk
15768 tax
continuum valvare aortomitrale
aortomitral valvar continuity ; subaortic curtain
77434 3642 tax
tendo valvulae venae cavae inferioris ; tendo haemorrhoidalis
tendon of valve of inferior vena cava ; haemorrhoidal tendon
9508 3639 tax
trigonum fibrosum sinistrum
left fibrous trigone
77124 11342 tax
anulus fibrosus sinister
left fibrous ring
9499 15769 tax
fila coronaria sinistra
left coronary cords
9502 15770 tax
anulus aorticus
aortic ring
15771 tax
(tendo infundibuli)
(tendon of infundibulum)
(tendo coni arteriosi )
(tendon of conus arteriosus )
7234 3662 tax
right atrioventricular valve ; tricuspid valve
9274 3661 tax
ostium atrioventriculare dextrum
right atrioventricular opening
7238 3663 tax
cuspis superior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae ; cuspis anterior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae
superior leaflet of right atrioventricular valve; anterior leaflet of right atrioventricular valve; anterior cusp of right atrioventricular valve
7239 3664 tax
cuspis inferior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae ; cuspis posterior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae
inferior leaflet of right atrioventricular valve; posterior leaflet of right atrioventricular valve; posterior cusp of right atrioventricular valve
7240 3665 tax
cuspis septalis valvae atrioventricularis dextrae
septal leaflet of right atrioventricular valve; septal cusp of right atrioventricular valve
322892 15775 tax
commissurae cuspides valvae atrioventricularis dextrae
cuspid commissures of right atrioventricular valve
8612 14865 tax
radix trunci pulmonalis P4 13 children
root of pulmonary trunk
7246 3669 tax
valva trunci pulmonalis
pulmonary valve; valve of pulmonary trunk
9299 3668 tax
ostium trunci pulmonalis
opening of pulmonary trunk
7248 15777 tax
valvulae semilunares pulmonales
pulmonary semilunar valvules
# valvula semilunaris pulmonalis
# pulmonary semilunar valvule
14143 3673 tax
nodulus valvulae semilunaris
nodule of semilunar leaflet
14142 3674 tax
lunulae valvulae semi
lunules of semilunar leaflet
7249 3670 tax
valvula semilunaris dextra valvae trunci pulmonalis
right semilunar leaflet of pulmonary valve; right semilunar cusp of pulmonary valve
7250 3671 tax
valvula semilunaris sinistra valvae trunci pulmonalis
left adjacent leaflet of pulmonary valve; left semilunar cusp of pulmonary valve
7247 3672 tax
valvula semilunaris anterior valvae trunci pulmonalis
anterior semilunar leaflet of pulmonary valve; anterior semilunar cusp of pulmonary valve
12211 3675 tax
commissurae valvularum semilunarium pulmonalium
commissures of pulmonary semilunar valvules
8699 3727 tax
sinus trunci pulmonalis
sinuses of pulmonary trunk
9407 14870 tax
sinus dexter trunci pulmonalis
right sinus of pulmonary trunk
9408 14871 tax
sinus sinister trunci pulmonalis
left sinus of pulmonary trunk
9406 14872 tax
sinus anterior trunci pulmonalis
anterior sinus of pulmonary trunk
14873 tax
trigona intervalvularia trunci pulmonalis
interleaflet triangles of pulmonary trunk
86019 3728 tax
crista supravalvularis trunci pulmonalis
supravalvular ridge of pulmonary trunk; supravalvular crest of pulmonary trunk
7235 3688 tax
left atrioventricular valve ; mitral valve
9335 3687 tax
ostium atrioventriculare sinistrum
left atrioventricular orifice
7242 3689 tax
cuspis anterior valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae ; cuspis aortica valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae
anterior leaflet of left atrioventricular valve; aortic leaflet of left atrioventricular valve; anterior cusp of left atrioventricular valve
7243 3690 tax
cuspis posterior valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae ; cuspis muralis valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae
posterior leaflet of left atrioventricular valve; mural leaflet of left atrioventricular valve; posterior cusp of left atrioventricular valve
76534 3691 tax
cuspides commissurales valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae
commissural leaflets of left atrioventricular valve; commissural cusps of left atrioventricular valve
322893 15776 tax
commissurae cuspides valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae
cuspid commissures of left atrioventricular valve
3740 14864 tax
root of aorta ; bulb of aorta
7236 3697 tax
valva aortae
aortic valve
9350 3695 tax
ostium aortae
opening of aorta; aortic orifice
7251 14814 tax
valvulae semilunares aorticae
aortic semilunar valvules
# valvula semilunaris aortica
# aortic semilunar valvule
9365 3701 tax
nodulus valvulae semilunaris
nodule of semilunar leaflet
9366 3702 tax
lunulae valvulae semi
lunules of semilunar leaflet
7253 3698 tax
valvula semilunaris dextra valvae aortae ; valvula coronaria dextra valvae aortae
right semilunar leaflet of aortic valve; right coronary leaflet of aortic valve
7254 3699 tax
valvula semilunaris sinistra valvae aortae ; valvula coronaria sinistra valvae aortae
left semilunar leaflet of aortic valve; left coronary leaflet of aortic valve
7252 3700 tax
valvula semilunaris posterior valvae aortae ; valvula noncoronaria valvae aortae
posterior semilunar valvule of aortic valve ; noncoronary leaflet of aortic valve
12214 3703 tax
commissurae valvularum semi
commissures of semilunar leaflets
3745 3771 tax
sinus aortae
aortic sinuses
3764 14700 tax
sinus dexter aortae ; sinus coronarius dexter aortae
right aortic sinus ; right coronary aortic sinus
3756 14701 tax
sinus sinister aortae ; sinus coronarius sinister aortae
left aortic sinus ; left coronary aortic sinus
3748 14702 tax
sinus posterior aortae ; sinus noncoronarius aortae
posterior aortic sinus ; noncoronary aortic sinus
14783 tax
trigona intervalvularia valvae aortae
interleaflet triangles of aortic valve
3738 3772 tax
crista supravalvularis aortae
supravalvular crest of aorta ; supravalvular crest of aorta
63 lines
74.6 %
44.4 %
6 partial items
57 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
One of the landmarks of the atrioventricular nodal triangle is formed by a fibrous continuation of the valve of the inferior vena cava, also known as the tendon of Todaro (Ho and Anderson 2000 J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 11:83-89; Mori et al. 2015 Clin Anat 28:878-887).
Each cuspis of the atrioventricular valves shows three parts: apex, margo and base (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The semilunar leaflets of the pulmonary valve are separated by commissures: sinistrodextra, anterosinistra and anterodextra (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Small accessory cusps are almost always found between the two major cusps of the left atrioventricular valve.
The semilunar leaflets of the aortic valve are separated by commissures: sinistrodextra, posterosinistra and posterodextra (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The interleaflet triangles occupy the space between the distal semilunar hinges of the leflets of the arterial valves as they extend to become attached at the sinutubular junction (Vismara et al. 2014 J Biomech 47:329-333). They may also be viewed as parts of the fibrous skeleton of the heart (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351).
The term skeleton fibrosum cordis is a general term for the fibrous scaffold supporting the valves and muscle fibres and electrically isolating the atria from the ventricles. It comprises a fibrous centre, two trigones, four anuli, three ligaments, the membranous septum and some related structures (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351 and Zimmerman 1966 Ann R Coll Surg Eng 39:348-366).
The right fibrous trigone together with the adjacent membranous septum and the insertion of the tendon of Todaro (currently listed as tendo spatii pyramidalis inferioris) form the so-called central fibrous body of the heart (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351).
The interleaflet triangles occupy the space between the distal semilunar hinges of the leflets of the arterial valves as they extend to become attached at the sinutubular junction (Vismara et al. 2014 J Biomech 47:329-333). They may also be viewed as parts of the fibrous skeleton of the heart (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351).
Fila coronaria are fibrous subendocardial cords, extensions of the fibrous trigones, forming about 75% of the anuli fibrosi (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Clinical term for a fibrous area between the fibrous trigones, the anulus fibrosus sinister and the anulus aorticus, important in aortic valvular replacement surgery (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351).
Fila coronaria are fibrous subendocardial cords, extensions of the fibrous trigones, forming about 75% of the anuli fibrosi (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The anulus aorticus and anulus trunci pulmonalis are integrated parts of the fibrous skeleton of the heart, encircling the corresponding ostia, and forming a scaffold for the corresponding valves (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351; Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The tendo infundibuli is an inconstant fibrous band within the crista supraventricularis, arising at the level of the membranous part of the interventricular septum and extending cranially to connect with the infundibulum. It forms no real component of the fibrous skeleton of the heart (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351; Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The tendon of the conus is an inconstant fibrous band at the level of contact between the pulmonary trunk and the ascending aorta (Saremi et al. 2017 Radiographics 37:1330-1351).
Each leaflet of the right atrioventricular valve is separated from the others by commissures: anteroposterior, posteroseptalis and anteroseptalis (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Each leaflet of the left atrioventricular valve is separated from the others by commissures: anterolateral and posteromedial (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 14862
Sublist 1 3662 valva atrioventricularis dextra 5/6 on 11.1.2025
Sublist 2 3688 valva atrioventricularis sinistra 5/6 on 11.1.2025
Sublist 3 14863 skeleton fibrosum cordis 15/16 on 10.1.2025
Sublist 4 14864 radix aortae 13/14 on 11.1.2025
Sublist 5 14865 radix trunci pulmonalis 13/14 on 11.1.2025
Subtotals subchildren 51 subunits 56
Proper children 5
Number of children 56 (validated)
Proper units 1
Number of units 57 (validated)
Signature 4608 (validated since 11.1.2025)
Date: 11.01.2025