Liste partonomique P1, langue principale: FR, subsidiaire: LA, interface: FR, travaux en cours

système urinaire

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Page de départ Partonomie TAH
Niveau supérieur système urinaire étendu
Langage subsidiaire avec le latin
Language principal non Latin
Liste partonomique
Equivalent français court
Terme Latin officiel court
7159 3040 tax
système urinaire
systema urinarium
7203 3041 tax
rein (paire) P2 121 nœuds fils
ren (par) ; nephros (par)
9704 3104 tax
uretère (paire) P2 47 nœuds fils
ureter (par)
15900 3111 tax
vessie P2 39 nœuds fils
vesica urinaria
19669 3139 tax
urèthre féminin ♀
urethra feminina ♀
19668 3140 tax
urèthre masculin ♂
urethra masculina ♂
6 lignes
83.3 %
100.0 %
Notes scientifiques
Libelle of note
The ureter shows three constrictions from Musil et al. (2019) Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13: 1) Constrictio renalis (isthmus ureteris) between the renal pelvis and the abdominal part of the ureter. 2) Constrictio iliaca, where iliac vessels cross the ureter between the abdominal and pelvic parts of the ureter. 3) Constrictio vesicalis in the intramural part of the ureter, when passing through the wall of the urinary bladder.
Type of list P1
List Unit Identifier 3040
Sublist 1 3041 ren 121/42 on 26.12.2024
Sublist 2 3104 ureter 47/16 on 27.12.2024
Sublist 3 3111 vesica urinaria 39/38 on 27.12.2024
Subtotals subchildren 207 subunits 96
Proper children 5
Number of children 212 (validated)
Proper units 3
Number of units 99 (validated)
Signature 9842 (validated since 27.12.2024)
Date: 27.12.2024