Lista partonómica P4, lengua principal: ES, subsidiaria: LA, interfaz: ES, trabajo en curso

tegmento prerubro

Navegación por listas
Página de inicio TAH partonomy
Nivel superior sistema nervioso central Corto Todo
Nivel 2 encéfalo Corto Todo
Nivel 3 diencéfalo Corto Todo
Nivel actual tegmento prerubro
Idioma subsidiaria con latín
Idioma principal no latín
Lista partonómica
Corto español equivalente
Corto término oficial latino
tegmento prerubro ; tegmento del diencéfalo
tegmentum prerubrum ; tegmentum diencephali
8650 tax
sustancia gris del tegmento prerubro
substantia grisea tegmenti prerubri
8144 tax
núcleo intersticial (par)
nucleus interstitialis (par)
8147 tax
núcleo intersticial rostral del fascículo longitudinal medial (par)
nucleus interstitialis rostralis fasciculi longitudinalis medialis (par)
8150 tax
núcleo elíptico (par)
nucleus ellipticus (par)
62035 5893 tax
núcleo subtalámico (par)
nucleus subthalamicus (par)
sustancia blanca del tegmento prerubro
substantia alba tegmenti prerubri
haces largos del tegmento prerubro del diencéfalo
tractus longi tegmenti prerubri diencephali
haces eferentes prerubros
tractus efferentes prerubri
8490 tax
haz tegmental medial
tractus tegmentalis medialis
75219 8492 tax
haz prerubroolivar
tractus prerubroolivaris
83846 8495 tax
fascículo longitudinal medial descendente
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis descendens
77031 8494 tax
haz intersticioespinal
tractus interstitiospinalis
13 lineas
84.6 %
84.6 %
Notas cientificas
Libelle of note
New term, described by Horn, AKE, Büttner-Ennever, JA (1998 Premotor neurons for vertical eye-movements in the rostral mesencephalon of monkey and man: The histological identification by parvalbumin immunostaining. J Comp Neurol 392:413-427) as a premotor nucleus for vertical eye movements.
See note # 8641
The basal parts of the prosomeres P1-P3 form several nuclei, previously included in the Mesencephalon (see General footnote). The rostral parts of the Substantia nigra/VTA-complex also derive from P1-P3. The term Tegmentum prerubrale is preferred as topographic term over Tegmentum diencephali.
Replaced from Mesencephalon; for the subdivision of this nucleus, Principal and Magnocellular parts are adopted, following Olszewski and Baxter3. The Ventral division is renamed as Nucleus ellipticus (coming from Cetacea and Proboscidea) or Nucleus of Darkschewitsch, not part of the Nucleus of the posterior commissure.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8622
Number of children 20 (validated)
Number of units 13 (validated)
Signature 20217 (validated since 7.7.2019)
Fecha: 18.08.2024