Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

alveolar process of maxilla (pair)

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Top level skeletal system Short Extended
Level 2 bones of cranium Short Extended
Level 3 maxilla (pair) Short Extended
Current level alveolar process of maxilla (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
52897 690 tax
alveolar process of maxilla (pair)
processus alveolaris (par)
55640 691 tax
alveolar arch (pair)
arcus alveolaris (par)
317345 692 tax
dental alveoli of maxilla (pair)
alveoli dentales (par)
327390 16882 tax
alveolus of first superior incisive tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris primi (par)
327388 16883 tax
alveolus of second superior incisive tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis incisivi superioris secundi (par)
327383 16884 tax
alveolus of superior canine tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis canini superioris (par)
327397 16885 tax
alveolus of first superior premolar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris primi (par)
327398 16886 tax
alveolus of second superior premolar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis premolaris superioris secundi (par)
327378 16887 tax
alveolus of first superior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris superioris primi (par)
327379 16888 tax
alveolus of second superior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris superioris secundi (par)
58049 16889 tax
alveolus of third superior molar tooth (pair)
alveolus dentis molaris superioris tertii (par)
75773 693 tax
interalveolar septa of maxilla (pair)
septa interalveolaria (par)
75774 694 tax
interradicular septa of maxilla (pair)
septa interradicularia (par)
75775 695 tax
alveolar juga of maxilla (pair)
juga alveolaria (par)
75305 10654 tax
incisive foramina (pair)
foramina incisiva (par)
anteroposterior incisive foramina (pair)
foramina incisiva anteroposteriora (par)
lateral incisive foramen (pair)
foramen incisivum laterale (par)
17 lines
64.7 %
64.7 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 690
Number of children 50 (validated)
Number of units 17 (validated)
Signature 456 (validated since 3.7.2024)
Date: 18.08.2024