SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
TA code | A02.5.02.017 |
Entity ID number | THA:1095 |
FMA identifier | FMA:49513 |
Type of entity | Non-physical entity |
Language |
TA98 Latin preferred term | conjugata mediana |
TA98 English equivalent | median conjugate |
Properties |
![]() |
This entity has left and right instances. |
Non physical | This entity is a non physical object. |
FMA Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 |
anatomical entity
FMA:67115 |
non-physical anatomical entity
FMA:45723 |
anatomical relationship
FMA:50627 |
structural relationship
FMA:52548 |
spatial association relationship
FMA:50707 |
anatomical location
FMA:23133 |
anatomical coordinate
FMA:30346 |
anatomical qualitative coordinate
FMA:49448 |
linear anatomical coordinate
FMA:20249 |
diameter of pelvis
FMA:49513 |
median conjugate
Date: 29.01.2013 |